
55 1 0

' When you're sad '

-Alexander Hamilton-

- Angry smol tiger
- No, really, who dare make you sad
- He'll kill them
- BakinG
- Well, not really he can't bake
- but he'll give you company while YOU bake
- Writes a whole book about how they'll kill the person who made you sad
- including where he'll bury them
- what he'd tell the police
- okay not really you'd be there to calm him down
- then he'll feel bad cause the calming down process took about two hours
- "Are you serIOUS? WHO WAS IT? BURR? JeFfErSoN?"
- "Alex, Alex, AlexANDER CALM DOWN!"

-John Laurens-

- Threatens to beat them up
- but won't because that would mean leaving you
- and he wouldn't leave you
- He'll let you play with his hair
- braIDS
- pony taILS
- also, maybe some makeup
- "eyeSHADOW"
- "(Y/N)! NO!"
- literally you guys are all decked out
- wyd going to a club
- yes

-Hercules Mulligan-

- he's out the door
- literally he's gone
- and he was fumInG
- okay he's back
- Happy smile
- instant cuddles
- and blankets
- and chocolate
- woah he's spoiling you
- DIY kiNG
- "Herc? What are you doing?"
- "I'm bedazzeling your sunglasses."

-Marquis de Lafayette-

- like he's the only real calm person in the group about this
- he's just wiping away your tears
- and spoiling you
- like cooking dinner
- and cleaning
- he may wear a little maid outfit
- for your entertainment
- "'ow do I look?"
- sniff "Slay, queen, slay-" sniff
- no
- you can not touch the hair
- movie marathon
- Pixar movie marathon
- he's a Pixar kind of guy

I'm on Vacation and this was a quick and easy update.

It was actually really fun! I might do more.. do you guys want me to do more?

Lemme know!

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