2.In The Ditch

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Where the hell am. I look around and I see lots of dirt and the sky is dark. I have a huge pain in the back of my head. I feel around to find my phone, but I realize I'm naked. What the fuck happened last night where the fuck am I and where the fuck are my clothes. I start to sob as I try to stand up. My legs are numb so I keep falling. Fear Is creeping up my spine. Its like one of those horror movies where the girl gets murdered. Great Im the stupid girl who gets killed in the woods. I start crying for help when I see a figure in the distance.

"Hey you, help me please help me," i scream but then I realize again I'm naked and I really don't want them coming over here.

"What the hell are you doing in a ditch?" The figure says. That voice it's really super familiar, but I can't figure out who it belongs to. He steps forward and I know exactly who it is. Logan Resse. A.K.A school badass. Crap crap crap crap. I bring my knees to my chest and wrap arms around myself protectively.

"I'm not looking, I'm not looking, are you ok?" Clearly he is trying super hard not to look although I've seen his eyes wonder a tad bit.

"I-I don't know." Is all I can mange to get out before I go back into deep sobs.

"Here's my jacket so you can cover up, hold on I think I have a pair of shorts in my car." He throws down the jacket and runs off back into the trees. When he's gone I grab the jacket a quickly throw it on and zip it up and pull it over my knees.

He comes back with a pair of purple basketball shorts. He throws them down and turns around.

"Tell me when your down with putting them on." He tells me his back facing me. I quickly try and fit my legs through the holes without standing up. My legs feel weak and I'm barely able to get the shorts on.

"D-done," I manage to say in a high pitch voice.

"Ok let's get you out of that ditch then, can you stand?" He ask and lays on his stomach. I shake my head no.

He sighs "OK well can you try and crawl over here?"I use my arms and try to crawl. My arms are shaking and I'm barely able to make it to where I'm right below him.

"Ok now give me your hands so I can pull you up," he holds out his own and I take it in mine. He pulls me up and sets my on the ground.

"Ok so what's your name?" He asks

"J-Jamie" i say in a quite voice.

"Ok Jamie my names Logan, I'm going to drive you to the hospital and get you checked out,ok" he asks but it's more of a statement than a question. I hesitate but shake my head yes. I look at him and something flashes in his eyes but then its gone.

Logan picks me up in his arms and carries me behind the trees and to a black Lamborghini. Wow. this boys got some money. He puts me in the passenger seat and pulls on the seat belt. I jump as he goes across my chest.

"It's ok I'm just putting on your seat belt ok," he whispers, his face only inches away from mine.

He runs to the other side of the car. As he starts the car I notice the concern inside of his eyes. Well this is a surprise the only thing I've seen in his eyes when I pass him in the halls is cockiness and lust. Well I guess there's a first time for everything, even waking up in a ditch butt ass naked. I laugh at myself and Logan gives me a confused look.

"What's so funny," he says his blue eyes meet mine and I stop laughing.

"Oh nothing," I say and look down at my interlocked fingers.

"Come on I could use a laugh after tonight," he smirks for a second but then goes back to a serious face.

"I was just thinking how you've never noticed me at school, which makes sense since your the school bad boy and I'm just some girl. But we had gone to school together since Kindergarten" I say still looking a my fingers. From the corners of my eyes I see him look at me and sighs.

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