23.White walls

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Narration P.O.V

Bam. The bullet started to zoom towards Jamie's head.

Seconds before it would pierce into her skull a boy jumped infront of her.

The bullet instead of hitting him in the skull like it would've Jamie hit him in the chest.

The bullet hit and it made him go backwards .

He fell on Jamie and their skulls collided with each other and the floor.

They were both knocked unconscious. The boy on the brink of death.

Qurea screamed and Eli turned the gun on her.

"Shut up you little bitch. I've wanted to do this the whole time we were together. And now, now I get my chance."

He was about to shoot her when yet another figure came and tackled him and knocked him to the ground.

"Qurea call the police. NOW!" The figure screamed.

Qurea fumbled with her phone her hands shaking in terror.

"H-hello. 911 yes two people were just injured at Misville high school. One of them was shot and the other is unconscious. O-ok thank you." She dropped her phone and ran over to Jamie.

Tears start to spring from Qureas eyes. "Come in Jamie, please wake up."

*Two days after*

-Jamie's P.O.V

"Well he hasn't know her very long I don't think he should be on here!" I heard a mans voice say.

"I think I have just as much right to here as you do dumbass!" Another guys voice broke in.

"Well where were you when Jamie got shot? Oh that's right probably making our with Jada."

"Like you have room to talk."

"I swear I won't hesitate to break your pretty boy face.."

"Try it and see what happens."

"At least I came to apologize and I saved a persons life while I was going to do so. You just left Jamie heartbroken."

"At least she wants to be with me. She even told me she did. But you won't ever have her. How does that feel?"

"You asshole..."

"Would both of you shut the fuck up. Jamie is laying in a hospital bed in acoma an your fighting about who should be allowed to be in here?" A woman's voice cut in.

"Well um uh.."one of the guys said.

"No I don't want to hear another word from either one if you!"

"God bless Logan for Logan running infront of her...if hadn't then...I don't really know what would've happened to her." Said an older sounding woman.

"Oh now, now don't be thinking like that moth-" a woman said but was cut off.

"Hello I'm doctor Resse. How is put patient doing today?"

"Still unconscious." A voice said in the backround.

"Well Logan just got out of surgery, he's doing ok but.... We don't really know if he's going to make it."the man voice shaked.

I fight to opens eyes. To wake up from this inescapable dream.

I open my eyes and regretted it right away.

I see people rushing towards me in blurs.

"Jamie! Oh my lord your awake." This blob came and stood right next to me. As she got closer and my eyes started to adjust I could make out that she has blonde hair and green eyes.

I gave her puzzled face. Who were these people.


Bum bum buhhhh!

She's lost her mind! Or just her memory. Or both. Who knows? Oh wait u do ha!

So what do you guys think so far? Do y'all like it it nah?




I'll write another chapter thus weekend maybe. Ok. Bye.

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