12.The Lovers Hill

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"I need to tell you why I'm here." Liam looked at me with his intense blue eyes.

"What do you mean I thought you just came to visit me?"

"Well of course I wanted to visit you wcm all but your mom wants me to stay with you at your house because well...umm-"

"Just say it"

"Well she's going to be gone for the next 3 months in Africa for so work thing and she doesn't want to make you stay at some strange guys house. So she letting an even stranger guy live with you," he smirked at me.

"What you're going to be living with me. At my house. With no adults!"

"Oh yes but I was given strict orders I must be with you at all times."

"Oh cause those are so strict rules," I rolled my eyes. "Wait we don't have a spare bedroom, are you going to sleep in moms room?"

"Another very strict order I must sleep in your room with you to make sure no harm must come to you. Orders from general mom must not be broken or I will no longer be a man. Her words not mine." He saluted me. I laughed until my eyes watered.

"Ok private Jamie we must get to work and get all of your things and go. We are having a party at your house to welcome me back."

"P-p-party oh no. Oh no no no. I can't go to a party not with what happened-"

"Hush child. Not that kind of party. Just you,the girls,Henry and I."

"Henry? I haven't seem him on ages! We don't have any classes together and we haven't hung out since you left."

"Well what a party without all of my bestfriends? Oh and I think Henry's bringing his girlfriend."

"Ok let's get to work."

We started to pack up everything and it was easy considering I didn't have too many things here.

After we were done we walked out to my car.

"Where do you think your going?" A voice called from behind me.

"None of your damn business" Liam turned around and Logan an him were inches apart.

"Really because I think Is my business because I'm suppose to make sure she safe!"

"Not any more, Jamie is in my care now."

"Why you?"

"Because unlike you I'm a very like able person and her parents trust me!"

"This is not fair I found her! I have taken care of her and now your going to be her knight and shining armor? I think not!"

Was Logan...jealous? No, no he couldn't be. Could he?

"Come on Jamie let's get home and call Jenna back to tell her and the rest of the girls to come over."

We both got into my car and I drive off before Logan could start anything else.

"So your dad just gave you the ok to leave?"

"Ya, well he does love you. He always said that you were like a daughter to him and when he found out what happened he put my ass on a plans down here."

Oh Liam's dad. He's like the dad I've always wanted. Nice, loving, didn't try and screw over my mom. Yep the complete opposite of my father.

"Well now you can tell me about all of the British girls you dated." I gave him a nudge in the ribs.

"Well there was this one hot blond who was unbelievably sexy-"

"Ok talk about them without almost giving yourself a boner."

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