13.Heart attacks everywhere

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I wake up but keep my eyes closed. Just five more minutes. I feel something next to me.

I put my arm over it, oh it's mr.monkey. Mr.monkeys gotten warmer. Mr.monkeys gotten fatter, mr.monkeys gotten taller. Mr. Monkey has a lots less hair.

Wait mr. Monkey is still in the bag from Logan's. I haven't unpacked.

I open my eyes to set of blue ones starring back at me.

"Well good moring sleeping beauty." I just and almost fall off the bed.

"Damit Liam you almost gave me a damn heart attack!"

"Well I usually do that, just the person that says that is eating my cooking and there's way too much salt."

"Oh so all these years you still haven't learns how to cook?" I can't help but laugh.

"I did learn how to cook it's just I'm not allowed to put salt on anything anymore." He said with a hurt expression on his face and his right hand over his heart.

"Well then mr. Chief go make me some breakfast!"

"Ok I will and I'll show you that I can cook," he jumped off my bed and walked toward the door.

Before he was through the door, he turned around and stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed and when he finally left I started to do my homework.


"Oh miss princess pain in my ass, your breakfast is ready."

"About time, you should be thrown in the royal jail for having me wait for so long!"

"Oh but you would not throw me into royal jail, now would you?" He out his hand over his heart in fake hurt.

"Oh yes I would."

"Uh, I am way to pretty to go to jail," he said coming closer, "do you know what they do to pretty people in jail." He whispered.

"Wait but your not pretty!"

Liam jumped on me and started to tickle my sides.

"Ge-get. off. me!" I screamed between laughs.

"Say Liam is the hottest, prettiest, most awesome bestfriend ever!" He dropped tickling me for a second.

"But then I would be lying!" I smirked.

He went back to tickling.

"Ok, ok!" I yelled and he stopped with one eyebrow cocked up and a smug look on his face.

"Liam is the hottest, prettiest, most awesome bestfriend ever!"

He got up and helped me stand.

"Now was that so hard?" He said smirking.

"Well now that I think you are pretty hot I said coming to him swaying my hips. He lost his smirk.

I put my hand on his chest and got on my tippy toes. I put my lips on his ears.

"NOT!" I yelled and ran for it.

I ran and hid behind the couch.

I didn't hear anything for about 10 minutes so decided it was safe to come out.

I tiptoed to the kitchen to go eat breakfast.

At the table was none other than Liam.

Damn so close.

"Well hello there." He said with a wicked smile.


"Of course little bear," he said with a wicked smile still there.

What did he do?

I sat down where my food was.

An omelet, pancakes, hash browns, sausage, coffee, and orange juice. All of my favorite breakfast items.

I took a bite of the omelet and instantly regretted it.

"How much damn salt did you out in this?" I said and jumped out of my seat.

"Oh none at first and then you played your little trick and I put about 6 soon fills on the inside of it."hair with a smug look.

"One bite of that could give a person a heart attack!"

I out my hand on my chest and fell backwards.

I laid there with my eyes closed.

I could here Liam jump out of his chair.

"Shit,shit,shit,shit,shit! Your moms good to kill me for killing you!" He yelled and put his hand on my chest.


"Well if you wanted to feel me up you could've just asked."I opened one eye.

""Ugh I hate you!"

"No you don't, you love me."

"You know your kinda sexy right now." My heart stopped.

He got on top of me and was straddling me. He got close to my ear.

"Not!" He jumped up and made a run for it.

He ran into my bedroom and I finally caught up.

I ran after him and jumped on his back.

"Let go of my you little monkey!"


He grappled my as that were rapped around his neck and threw me on the bed.

Before I could run he was already on top of me tickling me again.

He stopped when I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

"Truce?" He said.

"For now."

He just laughed and laid next to me.

"You know what?"he asked.


"I really missed you." I got on my side and looked at him.

He turned and looked at me.

"I missed you too," he reached his arm out and wrapped it around me. He closed the gap between our body's. We hugged for about 20 minutes. Just laying there with my head on his chest and our arms wrapped around each other.

Soon I fell asleep.


R.I.P Tiffany Phu.

Sorry for the filler chapter but it's leading up for something big.

Well hope you all have a good weekend!




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