15.Corcodile tears

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We walked slowly to the front.

"Why is Jamie going!" Somebody shouted from behind me.

Oh summer getting herself in trouble all the time.

"Because, Ms.Houston has to make sure these two do t kill each other on their way down to the office." Oh lord I thought for the first time in my life I was getting in trouble at school.

Thank god I'm not.

That would hurt all of my scholarship chances.

I stand in the middle with Liam on my right and Logan on my left.

We walk all about 3 feet when the two of them are at it again.

"Go back to the UK! Nobody wants you here."

"Oh but I think Jamie here would miss me, right Jamie." They both look at me.


"See she would and I'm pretty sure half the girl population would miss me." He sends a cocky gin.

"She didn't even say yes she said and I quote 'well..um.' That does not sound yes to me!"

They once again look at me.

"Yes I would miss him! I missed him the last time he left."

I should have kept my damn mouth closed.

Logan started to fume with anger. What the hell is wrong with him?

He stormed down the hall and out of the school doors.

Well, bye bye Logan.

"Come on little bear we're skipping the rest of the day!" He started skipping down the hall.

I turned around and started to walk back to class.

"Where are you going, the doors are this way?"

"I am not skipping school, I have enough homework from when we skipped yesterday!" I kept walking.

"See you are no fun!"

He thought he could use that against me to make me try and prove I'm fun. Ha. I kept walking.

"Fine we will spend the rest of day in school!"he grabbed my has and pulled me into a nearby closet.

What the hell? What wrong with this child?

"Liam I need to go to class."

"Oh well, Mr.Douchface thinks we are in the office so we can't go back to his class right now." He has a point.

"What are we doing in here?"

"Well we can't just wonder the halls now can we smart one?"

Even though it's dark I can tell he's smirking.

I reached his ear and whispered.

"I really hate you sometimes."

"No you don't, you love me."

"Nope." I popped the 'P'

"Yep." He popped the 'P'

"No Liam! I really do t right now!" I wanted to rip his head off.

"Yes you know you do little bear." He lowered his lips to my ear. "You know you can't deny it."

I felt his lip brush against me ear as he talked. I started laughing.

"What's so funny," he sounded frustrated.

"Your lips tickled me ear." I giggled.

"Oh you are going to wish it was your ears getting tickled!"

The Night I Will Never RememberWhere stories live. Discover now