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Since I missed school yesterday I have a lot of homework. Yay.

Damn Liam, well there goes my perfect attendance. Oh well.

I wake up to a shirtless Liam making breakfast. I hope he gets burned.

I jump on his back and yell "BOO!"

He didn't even flinch.

"You are no fun, you do know that right?"

"Oh I am plenty of fun, you are the un-fun one remember?"

He backed up and sat me on the island. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"I am too fun. Ask anybody I'm the funniest person ever!"

"Lie to somebody who doesn't know you." He turned around and kept cooking.

"I don't think I trust you cooking, you almost gave me a heart attack last time!"

"Oh stop being so dramatic."

We ate breakfast and left for school early.

Liam and I get to school and as soon as we get out, swarms of girls come to us.

Liam is a hoe magnet.

Girls were fixing there shirts to show more cleavage, they fixed their skirts higher, and some even put even more makeup on. Like their clown faces don't have enough.

Liam really isn't a player, ya he flirts with a lot of girls but what guy doesn't? I would if I were a guy who looked like Liam.

But Liam, he doesn't hump and dump. Nor does he make out with every girl.

He's had 2 girlfriends. One being when he was in kindergarten, so I don't think that counts.

So he's had 1 girlfriend.


Ya so they dated for about a month and then Liam had to move and she didn't want to do the whole long distance thing.

The queen bitch made her way to the front of the swarm.

"Oh my gosh Liam, your back!" She screamed "and now since you've matured maybe you now want me," she touched Liam's arm flirtatiously.

Everybody knows Jada had wanted since the day he set foot in our school in 7th grade,

He's never liked her back.

Hey always tells her the same thing whenever she flirts with him or want them to date.

"Jada just go away, if I wanted a damn Barbie I would go buy one from Walmart."

"You will be mine, I want you and I always get what I want no matter what it cost. I don't care if it'll cost money, a car, my sanity, a friend." She gave me a wicked smile.

Oh this bitch is going to get cut.

"Oh honey, you don't have any friends." A voice from behind the hoe bunch said.

Everybody turned.


Oh I would hug her right now if I want afraid she would shank me.

"Oh summer your so funny, I knew there was a reason I kept you in our group. Well I think thats the only reason. Your not pretty, you dress like a thug, you scare off all the guys, and you never can get a boyfriend."

1. She is very pretty, prettier than Jada.

2. Every guy wants her, but she doesn't date. She plays hard to get as all the guys in our school lie to say.

3. Ok maybe she doesn't look like she's in a gang but well that just makes the guys want her more.

4. Jada is a caked faced bitch who need to shut her face.

"Well at least she doesn't have to cake makeup on her face to be or feel pretty." Somebody voiced my thoughts.

Logan's sister.


Ashley is a junior. She doesn't live with Logan because she is Logan's half sister and lives with her mom, but the two of them are super close.She has short shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She's taller than me by a couple of inches. I think she's like 5'9.

Ashley is ironically summers best friend.

Oh and how Logan hates that.

"Listen here bitch, you have no right to talk to me that way!"

"I can't talk to you any way I want you skank!"

No noticed but at this point Liam and I were nearly in the school.

"Aren't you glad to be back!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh yes!" He said with fake cheerfulness.

We walked to our first period. With a little persuasive talking Liam and I now have all the same classes.

Liam and I were the first two in there so we sat in the back. We were just talking and laughing like old times.

Then I saw him.


Here comes the bitch fight everybody!

"You in my seat!" He seethed, looking at Liam.

If looks could kill, Liam would be long dead.

"Hmm, I don't think so, now shoo I'm trying to be a good student." Liam sat back in his chair and out his feet in his desk and his hands behind his head.

"If you don't move, I will move you," Logan said through his teeth.

"Try it bud, I could knock you out in a sec."

"Who do you think your talking to!" Anger was evident in his voice.

"A spoiled ass guy who has no respect for anybody!" Liam stood and and was face to face with Logan. "Also a jealous fucktard who's mad that Jamie is the only girl in the whole school who won't sleep with him." He smirked.

Oh damn.

And then they were off Logan swung at Liam. Liam sucked and hit Logan in the stomach. Logan knees Liam in the stomach.

And their fight lasted about 30 seconds and mr.scott broke it up.

"Liam, Logan, Jamie, all three of you go to the principles office. Now!" Me why me!

Well my luck is terrible.

The Night I Will Never RememberWhere stories live. Discover now