8.Somebody better start fucking talking

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I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend @_lexusramos because she told me I need to write another chapter and hurry and write the rest of the book and then write a sequel and then a threequal. And yes I know a threequal is not a thing but she thought it was.


Jamie Hudson

Three years. That is a long damn time to be missing and then just randomly show up.

"Where the hell were you for three fucking years!" Logan growled.

"Oh I was just here and there, oh and did you know there is such a thing as vampires? Well while I was gone I may a vampire named Claus and he turned me." Logan and I stood there confused. Has Eli lost his damn mind?

"Oh lighten up, I'm just messing with you there's no twilight shit going on. Ha! You should have seen your faces!" Oh just the normal Eli, even in the most serious of times he can make a joke.

"Fuck you Eli." I turned around and started towards the car.

"Oh you would want to sweetheart wouldn't you?" I turned around an saw him smirking.

"In your dreams asshole."

"Oh but hasn't it already become a reality?"

Ok. What. The. Fuck.

Tears start to fill my eyes. Everything feels unreal. Everything's blurry but I can see a figure running up to Eli and knocking him down. I wiped away the tears and saw Logan ontop of Eli throwing hit after hit.

Eli grabbed Logan's neck and hit him onto the ground. Eli started to kick Logan and all I could do is stand there.

I wanted to help Logan, he saved me from that ditch so why can't I help him? Oh that's right because I'm in shock.

I run over to Eli and start hitting him in the back. He turns around and punches me in the stomach sending me to the ground.

The last thing I saw was Logan's face before everything went black.


I woke up and my joke body felt stiff. I look around and see a tall black girl with short black hair that reaches halfway down her neck. She had a grey volleyball shirt, a black leather jacket, denim skinny jeans that were ripped, and black converse.

"W-who are you," is all I can manage to say. My throat felt like a desert.

"Well.... In the hood the call me big QQ." She walk over to me. Although she was gorgeous, she was also really, really scary looking.

"Wha-what does QQ stand for."

"Queen Qurea." She screamed ghetto.

"Oh-oh ok Qurea, how long have i been out?" I swear if I missed even a day of school I'm going to kill Eli.

"Only about 5 hours, yo little lover boy is knocked out cold in da other room though, he still hasn't woken his lazy ass up." Ok who the fuck was this chick.

"Ok not to be rude or anything but can i ask you a question?"

"Sure Hun,"

"Who the fuck are you?" Ok maybe that did come out a little to rude but I don't really care right now.

"Excuse yourself? Listen here bitch your in my house and YOUR going to ask who the fuck I am? I would really like to fucking know who you are!" Ok I didn't come off that rude at least.

I looked around. We are in the cabin. Logan's cabin.

"What do you mean your house? This is the Resse's lake house!"

"Girl, this is mine and Eli's house, so you can shut the fuck up! You have no idea what your talking about!" Wait so is she like, Eli's girlfriend?

"Are you Eli's girlfriend?"

"Fiancé actually." She puts out her hand to show me the huge diamond ring. And when I say huge I mean huge. It was probably as big as my big toe. And that was just the middle heart shaped diamond. It had tinier diamonds around it.

Well ok then I never took Logan as the marrying type, but I also didn't take him as the 'let's rape Jamie and then beat her and my little brother up' type of person either. Then it ran though my mind. Eli rapped me.

"How long have you been engaged?"

""3 months why?"

"Because two nights ago he rapes me." She walked right next to me me and slapped me. That's a smart thing to do to a person who could very well have a concussion.

"Your lying you little bitch, he would never do that!" Tears were welling up inside of her eyes.

"Oh really then why don't you ask him!" He confessed once why not again?

"I will you little bitch!"

Damn she's acting worse the little queen bitch does at school when u get a little to close to her group.

"ELI! ELI COME IN HERE!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Eli came running in. "What? What happened?" I gave him a dirty look. "Oh look, sleeping beauty has woken up. Wonderful! How was your sleep? Did you dream about me? Well about us and what we did that one night," he shot a wink to me and smirked.

"So it is true! You raped her!" Qurea gave him the same dirty look I was.

"Oh no no no, I didn't say-" he was cut off.

"The hell you didn't you confessed outside!" Logan was standing behind him looking not as sexy as he usually does.

He has a black eye, his lips are cut up and swollen, his side is bandaged (he's shirtless), he has dry blood all over his face. Now Eli doesn't look to much better just he doesn't have as much dried blood all over his face.

"Ah, brother how are you feeling?"

"Fuck you! Come on Jamie we are leaving!" He grabbed me under my knees and my back.

We stormed out of the house with Qurea on Logan's heels.

"Wait can i come with you? Please I don't want to be left with that idiot!" She cried.

"Fine but I call shotgun!" I yelled behind me.

She skipped forward to the car. Logan out me in the passenger side and walked over to the driver side. The car ride was long but Qurea kept us entertained with her randomness.

When we got to Logan's house we got out and walked inside. Qurea had the same expression as I did when I came here on Friday night. I walked up to my room and went into the washroom. I thought i wasn't even possible. My face looked even worse. I cried myself to sleep thinking about how I was going to face the entire school tomorrow.


In no way shape or form am I being racist ok. Qurea is a character based off a friend of mine named Qurea. She isn't as much as a bitch as the one in the story but she wanted me to put her in the book so I did.

QUREA- (cure-e-ay) if you are confused on how to pronounce it

Well love all of you lovelys




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