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Monday, I went to class, normal. I was in the recess with the usual friends, most of us were foreigners and a few locals, then, I received a call from Leon, really, I had been waiting for his call. I left the small group to be able to speak.

-Hello Leon-

- Hi Mafer, Hey, I'll pick you up at 6:00, ok? -

-Okay! - I said very happy

- But how rude I am, sorry, how are you? - He asked laughing

- Don't worry, I'm fine, and you? – I said laughing

-I just got out of training -

- And, how was it? – I asked

-It was okay, a little heavy, but it doesn't matter -

-Oh, well, I leave because I must go to class, see you in the afternoon-

- Okay, bye! -

I hung up, I went to class. Rafa, who sits behind me, began to question me quietly and at the very beginning of the class.

- What happened, where did he invite you? – she whispered

-I don't know, he didn't tell me, only that he will pike me up at 6:00 -

-Uh! dear, he's going to take you to his apartment and not exactly to pray the rosary-

- Shut up Rafa! - I said in a low voice so that the professor would not listen to me - Hey, what about you? Max already invited you to hang out? -

-Yes, in fact we are going to go to the movies at night ...-

- Ladies, pay attention, please! - said the professor

I took Rafa, Dani and Val to their house because they broke the car. When I returned home I went to do my routine with Estela, Pilar had gone on a trip. I was doing my homework when I got a message from Leon.


"Mafer, I'm a fool, I didn't ask for your address"


"Do not hurry, this is ------"


"Well, I'll come by you at the agreed time"

-You really like that boy, don't you? – Estela asked me

-Ay Estela, you have no idea how much I like-

- And where will you both go? -

-I don't know, he didn't tell me-

I kept chatting with Estela and then went to take a bath and got ready when Leon came for me. I heard the engine of a car parked outside the house, I peered through the corner of the curtain and saw that it was him, he was getting out of his car, he looked gorgeous, took out his phone and called me.

"Mafer, I'm already out of your house-

-I'm going Leon – I said

I leave the house, he kissed me on the cheek, opened the door of the copilot of his cute sport car, thanked him and then he got into the car, turned it on and started it.

-Do you like waffles? - he asked

-A lot – I replied

- That's nice – he said

There was silence until we reached a very vintage and cute place, we sat at a table for two and ordered.

-I hope you like these waffles - Leon said.

That's How It Was ║ Leon GoretzkaWhere stories live. Discover now