Maritza //Leon

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I was on my way to Maritza's house, I turned off my cell phone so nobody would call.

- Did she say when she comes back? - I asked to the guard

-No, boy-

-Do you know where she went? -

-She went to Bochum -

-Thanks sir - I said retreating - Damn! -

I arrived in Bochum, at her parents' house, I rang the bell and she came out -

-Leon what a surprise! -

- Get away from Mafer - I said angrily

-Hi, I'm fine, and you? - said sarcastically

-You'd better stop - I said

-What are you talking about? - she ask

-I don't want you near my girlfriend, okay? -

-What do you say? -

-She told me that you met her and you were in charge of releasing all your poison against me -

-Ah! that ... Oh God, Leon was a little joke - said mocking

-What a bad joke -

-Why do you say it? ... hold on a second ... Don't tell me she believed it and you break up- she said mocking

- No, not at all, I'm lucky, Mafer is not stupid like you, she is a thinking woman, she is very intelligent ... - I said in the form of humiliation towards her

-Shut up! - she said angrily

-Mafer is a girl with dreams and goals, is not conformist ... -

- Shut up! - she said again even more upset

-... she is perfect, not like you, who pretend to be - I said smiling

- Get out! - she said with wet eyes

-I warn you! - I said pointing her with my finger

Then I left there, I felt that I was suffocating.

That's How It Was ║ Leon GoretzkaWhere stories live. Discover now