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the entire sun, shines on my face
mia pov

trigger warnings: none

I'm meeting my mom today...

I took one last look at myself in the mirror. My dress was a sky blue (just like half of the clothes in my wardrobe) and I was wearing dressy-sandals. I've heard never to wear heels to your graduation. My star necklace was still in its claimed spot, as usual.

This was it. I was headed to NYU in the fall, to study creative writing. I was terrified, but I've always figured I'm a New York girl.

I headed downstairs. My dad was messing with some settings on his Paparazzi Camera.

"Hey, Dad..." I said quietly.

"Mia!" My dad was obviously super excited, "I have to get pictures..."

I went to the front door and posed for the last time. It was a bittersweet day.

"Okay, are you ready to head over?" My dad asked. I nodded, and Dad decided to drive me to school, one last time.


Our school had a writing contest, at the end of the year. Every student, who was interested, wrote a speech for graduation, and our principal would pick the winners. It was different from most schools, since most schools just did their Valedictorians do speeches. I entered and won the contest, so I obviously had to give a speech in front of my whole class and their families.

Not to mention my mother, who I am about to meet...

Our Vice Principal went up to the podium and explained the contest, right before I went on. She did a little introduction on me, and some of my high-school achievements. I quickly walked up to the stage, after she cued me to go.

"Okay, so, First offI'd like to congratulate everyone here: the graduates, parents and teachers... the graduates for getting this far in our lives-and the parents and teachers for showing us all the way through. _ It's an honor to be here with you today. _ Actually, I was so honored I wanted to do something really special for you. I wanted you to look under your seats you would have your high school diplomas, but I see you've all got that covered.

A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures. Wherever you think you're heading right now might turn out to take a completely different route down a completely different path, and this is exactly what happened with my mom, who is out in the audience today... She started out college, working towards being an engineer, but then she became a writer, and an occasional guitar player. Many people say that the key to life is to develop and internal moral, emotional map that can tell you which way to go. Well, you might think you have this map, but in reality, you probably don't. That's totally fine, you're life can change in a mere seconds. My life has changed a lot in the past year, and it's changing my the minute.

Now, as scary as it sounds, high school is over. We're headed to college, or another form of schooling, or just life. Cliques don't matter anymore (for many of us, they stopped mattering after Sophomore year), and you're kind of on your own. But even though you're on your own, you're not alone. Even when you feel lost, like you're waving through a window, you will be found. It might take a little patience and time, but sometimes the hard route is the right route to take.

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