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Austin crawled out of a broken window.

As soon as he got up I slapped him hard on the cheek,"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?!?!??"

He was silent he looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry" he chocked out.

I looked at him there were tears in his eyes.

He looked at my waistband and saw my Glock.

I headed towards the car and motioned for him to follow.

He did and got in the passengers seat.
As soon, as I put my foot on the gas pedal he quickly put his seatbelt on.

I saw a nearby Walmart. "We need to go get some stuff" I said pointing to the store.

I made the right turn and drove into the parking lot. "How did you even learn how to drive"? Austin asked.

" I didn't I just started". He looked at me then bit his lip.

"Can I tr-"

"No!" I quickly answered as I put the car in park. I took the key out and got out.

"Do you think the automatic doors would open"? Austin said.

"There is a 2% chance of them working" I said as we approached them.

They did not open. Austin did a push-up and backed away from the door he ran into it causing it to shatter. I heard him groan I slowly entered and looked down at him he was laying on his right side with glass all around him.

I helped him up "you know that wasn't necessary right?" I said as I looked at his arm. There was a small cut that had already began bleeding. "Come on there are band aids in the store".  We went in and I saw a rack full of backpacks.

I grabbed a pink one with dragons and tossed a blue one too Austin.

We decided to spilt up. I went into a aisle with granola bars and put about 15 in a small pocket of the backpack.

Some of the shelters were empty.

I heard growling in the next aisle. I pulled my Glock out of my waistband and stepped towards the end of the Aisle.

I held my gun up and turned towards the next aisle a zombie bumped into me and we both tumbled to the floor he had a Walmart uniform on. I looked at one of his pockets and pulled out a pen i stabbed it in it's eye. It layed dead on the floor I picked my Glock up and put it back in my waistband.


Hello my fellow readers. Thanks for getting my story to 134 reads!

*claps* I am very impressed. The next part will be coming out very soon.


Left for survival(a Zombie novel) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now