No. 8: Hated

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"Uncle Nate, your face is funny." Aidan surprises me since I thought he was asleep.

I clear my throat and try to ignore the giant lump of worries and questions in my throat. "Hey, son." You're such an idiot, Nate. "Didn't know you were awake." I sigh again to remind myself of an idiotic thing I did, calling Aidan 'son' and to welcome a 'new me' with a breath of fresh air. Probably nothing will change, but I try to stay hopeful.

Aidan smiles, showing off the gaps between his teeth. I smile a little at a show before me and ruffle his hair. This has officially become our signature move. "You're a joy, buddy, you know that? Mommy and Daddy must be really happy to have you." I say and Aidan stares up at me blankly.

He scuttles closer if that's even possible and apparently it is, 'cause now he has nested himself in my lap, leaning his small head back against my chest.

I kiss his hair. I do care about the kid, one way or another, whether he's mine or Daniel's. I then sigh and lock my arms around his body like a seat belt "You have a great family, kid. Mommy and Daddy love you. Do you love them, buddy?"

Aidan replies me with a nod and a soft boyish squeal "A-ha."

I nod and smile in relief "That's good. Promise me you'll always be good to them even after you'll grow up and become a man."

He nods, even though he probably has no idea what I'm talking about. Somehow I am happy that he's not aware of what I'm trying to say.

I don't even know why I begin to tell him stories from my and Daniel's childhood, it just feels right to do so. "You know, your Daddy has always been the good kid in the family. He never complained or asked for anything. That's why I did my best to get him amazing birthday gifts and cakes and throw him the best parties possible." I smile, but sooner than later my face pales and brows furrow after I remind myself that's what parents are supposed to do. Too bad we had a whore of a mother. "One time, I remember, your Daddy and I went to the library just to get some things for my high school studies. It was raining like hell and the moment we stepped in the library, I slipped like a complete assho-, I mean," I clear my throat before I proceed "-dummy. Your Daddy of course laughed at me. Anyway, we got to the counter and I asked the librarian if they had the books that I really needed. Daddy was getting really annoying and I told him to go look around the place, staring at some cool book covers or find a book for himself. Well, time passed, I got all the books, the librarian already checked them out for me and I said 'Danny, let's go.'. When I turned around he was nowhere to be seen. I probably ran out of the library a few times looking for him, I was getting a panic attack, I was so worried about him only to later found him under the shelf sleeping."

Aidan laughs, but only when I mention that I fall. I can't blame him for that, he's still small and innocent. If I could keep him from harm's and life's way of hurting and taking unexpected, painful turns, to keep this innocence and playfulness in him, God knows that I would do it.

"Uncle Nate?" His voice fills the apartment and breaks the long silence that is often present when I'm at home. Only now I noticed how much it always bothered me and what a breath of fresh air Aidan is at times like this.

"Yeah, buddy?"

He sits up and plumps his lips beggingly, widening his eyes and looks at me from under his brows. The puppy face, which I believe could even conquer the heart of Kim Jong Un "You said we'd go to the playground."

Right. This now. "I did?" I think a little and I do remember mentioning the playground. Excuse me, if I am a little sceptical about getting this kid to the outside world again, previous day wasn't exactly encouraging. "Then we better get ready." And this time I know better than to tell myself taking care of a kid somewhere outdoors can't be that hard or such a bother.

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