kidnapped 8

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~A 2 months later~

you and Jason are just on the couch watching tv and hanging out

JA. I told you she was a man haha

y/n. haha I thought it was too

JA. Yea...right *raises an eyebrow*

y/n. what I'm serious haha

JA. haha ok

y/n. *you lay down on the couch*

JA. *grabs your legs and puts it over your lap and smiles*

y/n. *you smile back* hey Jason

JA. yeeess?

y/n. can I have my phone back pleaseee

JA. I don't know y/n

y/n. pleasee

JA. how do I know if I can trust you?

y/n. because we are friends and you can trust me no matter what AND you took my ankle bracelet thing off and I still didn't leave

JA. finee

y/n. can I text Justin?

JA. Yea go ahead *looks almost sad...?*

y/n. *you can tell he was a little sad about that but you don't question it so you start texting Justin

~Phone texting convo~

y/n. hey babe

J. Listen bro I know we look alike but I'm straight

y/n. noo its y/n

J. no its not you wouldn't give y/n her phone back

y/n. baby....seriously its me

J. prove it

y/n. fine *sends him a cute picture*


y/n. I miss you so much too and ok I can't wait but me and Jason are kind of friends

J. wtf?!?

y/n. Yea...

J. how the fuck did this happen?!

y/n. I don't know please calm down

J. calm down really when my girlfriend, my best friend, my world, my future wife is with another person who looks exactly like me but a criminal

y/n. I'm sorry :(

JA. y/nnnn get off the phone pleaseee

y/n. um Justin I got to go

J. why?

y/n. cause I got a phone limit

J. oh bye love you

y/n. I love you more

J. I love you most

y/n. I love you too the moon and back

J. well I love you too infinity and beyond <3

y/n. <3

~End of convo ~

JA. finally girl

y/n. haha Yea *looks down*

JA. what's wrong

y/n. nothing *hides the tears*

JA. even though I known you for like only 2 months I know when something is wrong *pulls you into a hug*

y/n. I..I just miss him *you start to cry*

JA. I'm so sorry y/n. I really am

y/n. its ok I guess

JA. ok *pulls away*

y/n. *wipes the tears*

JA. y/n?

y/n. yes?

JA. can I tell you something?

y/n. yes

JA. ok I really love spending time with you

y/n. *smiles* Yea same um can I ask you something?

JA. Yea...?

y/n. ok where did you get that man bracelet?

JA. oh I um I

y/n. tell me

JA. ok I got it from your dad

y/n. from my dad what are you talking about he was murdered- wait

JA. *looks down*

y/n. *you look at him with a mix of anger and tears* it was you who killed my dad

A/N. should I make a new chappie? I looovvee you guys and comment if I should continue xoxo~L

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