Happy Anniversary

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You and Justin have been dating for 4 years now and tomorrow is your anniversary. Justin has been seen all over the media for drinking smoking and being with other girls. Every time you try to confront Justin about it, it turns into a big argument or he would just ignore you

~ The morning ~

You wake up to feel nobody next to you. You have a confused face since whenever you wake up Justin is always next to you. You ignore it since today is your anniversary and you know Justin wouldn't do anything to hurt you today.

You smile getting up and taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Once you finish you get out putting on high waisted short shorts with a crop top and you black and red jordans. Your hair is curly and down your back. You smile looking in the mirror and grab your phone going downstairs.

Y/n. Wow I look sexy

You say to yourself laughing. You get downstairs but no Justin is in site. You go into the kitchen and see a granola bar on the counter with a note.

"I hope you enjoy your breakfast"

Your heart breaks a little but you brush it off thinking he's just playing around so you smile a little to yourself and pour yourself cereal. You begin eating then the door opens and shuts.

You go to see who it is you see Justin walking in. With no teddy bear no flowers no nothing.

Y/n. Hey babe

J. Hi

Y/n where were you?

J. I was out

Y/n. Ok but do you know what today is?

You say with an exciting smile on your face. He looks at you with a smile also.

J. Omg Your birthday happy birthday!

He says hugging you and your heart breaks to pieces. You brush it off once again thinking he's playing around

Y/n. No it's our anniversary *your voice is a little shaky tears threaten to come down your eyes but you suck it in*

Justin pulls away with a face of confusion.

J. I thought it already passed

That caused your heart to drop.... He really forgot. It was at that moment you realized he wasn't playing.... He really forgot. A tear slips out of your eye as you quickly wipe it away you slowly turn around

J. Baby wai-

Y/n. Happy anniversary J

You say putting a video tape from your pocket on the table. You walk away going up the stairs trying not to break down.

~ Justin's POV ~

As she puts something on the table I can see how broken hearted she is. I feel so bad that I forgot how can I fucking forget??! She leaves and I grab the tape she left on the table. I put it in the VCR to have it play.

~ video~

In the beginning it says "I loooovveee you" in big fat red letters. Then it shows you walking into the room smiling.

"Well how should I start? I loooovveee you Justin haha you are my reason for always being happy and waking up with a smile on my face because I get to see you. You mean the world to me....you are my everything" you blow a kiss towards the camera and it goes black.

Then it starts showing pictures of you and him all the way from when you started dating to this year. All of me by John legend is playing in the background then it shows a video of you and Justin at the bowling ally.

J. just throw it hahahaha

Y/n. I can't hahaha

Your lifting the ball and go at the end of the ally thing where your supposed to roll the ball

J. You can do it baby!!

Y/n. *You roll the ball and get a strike*

You start jumping around as Justin stands up running to you and hugging you lifting you up spinning you around a little. He kisses you smiling both of you guys are very happy.

Then it goes back to the pictures. One shows you and him on the mountains and lifting you up his hands around your waist with the caption "our love is higher then the mountains"

~ video over ~

~ your POV ~
You go downstairs hearing the video but once you get there you see Justin isn't sitting there anymore and it's at the video of you and him at the bowling ally. Your heart shatters as you watch from the stairs how happy you guys were. Tears spill out your eyes as you know Justin left and your alone. Happy anniversary to me....

A/n. Hey guys here's a imagine for you I am soooooo sorry and I'm pretty sure you guys know why but comment below for a part 2 and opinions I loooovveee you guys xoxo~L

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