Tease part 2

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y/n. Mom I got to go

M. b-

Before she could finish you hung up the phone on her face. Justin starts thrusting his fingers faster and faster into you. You grab on to the bed sheets as he licks your clit. You bite on to your lip as you feel yourself starting to orgasm. Your veins pop out of your neck and you pull on his hair lightly. Your mouth gently opens into the shape of an "o" as your speechless until you let out a loud moan. Your chest falls and rises fast as you try to catch your breath. Justin goes up to your face and kisses you passionately. You put your hands on both sides of his face as you wrap your legs around him. You guys pull away and you look him in his eyes breathlessly.

J. I never made you moan like that.....new record

You blush and bring him closer to you hiding your face in his chest making him chuckle. You pull away and look at him again.

y/n. we have to go to dinner *puppy face*

J. what?!? I wasn't finished

y/n. I know but we can finish when we get back *winks*

Justin turns red and hides his face in your neck making you giggle. He gets up and blows a kiss to you and goes and changes. You smile as you change too. You put on a red strapless dress with a heart line and it comes up to your mid-thigh. You have to admit you look sexy and your ass looks big. You straighten your hair and you whip it to make it look messy/sexy. You put on your jewelry and some heels and go downstairs waiting for Justin. You sit on the couch and just as you sat on the couch Justin comes down.

He's wearing a black dress shirt with black skinny jeans and supra. And a tie thats not on right. You giggle at his cuteness

J. what *smile slowly fades*

y/n. you...your so cute haha

You get up and fix his tie. You go to walk away but he grabs your hand spinning you around so your back is facing him. He brings you closer so your ass is close to his dick and rocks you back and forth

J. you know I love that dress on you *kisses your neck and bites his lip*

Y/n. Justin......*moans*

You pull away and do a sexy walk teasing him. He slaps your ass and you guys get into the car driving to the restaurant.

About 20 min. later you guys get to the restaurant and walk in. You go to the front desk. (p-person)

y/n. um our family is already here

P. um ok you guys can go in *smiles*

You and Justin go to the table and you see your family sitting there. Your dad your mom and your siblings.

M. hey baby

Your mom gets up and hugs you and so does your dad. Your mom hugs Justin and your dad bro hugs Justin. Your sisters keep looking at him up and down. And biting their lip and Jasmine your older sister out of your four decides to speak up

Ja. hey um Justin you can sit here *winks*

J. uhm actually I would like to sit next to my girlfriend but thanks Jas maybe next time

Justin grabs your hand and sits next to you and your other sister Lesley she's one year younger than u. Your sitting across your mom and dad and your 5 brothers that are either younger or older by 2 years.

M. so what happened over the phone?

Y/n. uh...uhm um-

J. I accidentally dropped a hammer on her foot

D(dad). what were you doing with a hammer

J. uhm I was uh um-

y/n. fixing the door

D. oh

M. Yea.

It gets awkward and quiet but then you start to feel Justin's hand slowly go up your thigh. You look at him and he smirks. He goes up and up until he reaches your underwear.

M. so Justin how's music going

J. hm? oh um its going really good

D. thats good

Everybody starts having a conversation with each other while Justin is pulling your panties to the side. You look up and see nobody's paying attention. He uses his thumb and starts rubbing your clit slowly. You look down covering your face trying not to moan.

D. honey are you alright?

y/n. mmhm

D. ok.....?

You look up and see that nobody is paying attention. Justin picks up the speed and starts rubbing faster and faster. You cover your mouth and close your eyes tight shut. Without warning you feel Justin insert 2 fingers. He pumps faster and faster making you grab on to the table clothes a little.

L-lesley. Are you ok y/n?

y/n. y-yea

You start to feel another orgasm come on as you grab on the Justin's shoulder and hide your face in the crook of his neck. Your veins pop out from your neck and your mouth opens a little as you tighten your eyes shut.

D. is she ok?

J. y-yes she's um..... we just really love each other

As he's still talking he's still rubbing you slowly. Once your done he pulls his fingers out and smirks. You pull away and try to catch your breath hoping nobody notices.

Since Justin wanted to do that to you you wanted to get payback.....revenge. You move closer to him and he looks at you. You put your hand on his dick and gently rub. You see his face expression change as his mouth opens a little. You put your hand in his pants and start to stroke jerry up and down faster and faster with each stroke. You look up at Justin and see that his eyes are rolled back and so is his head. He puts his head on your shoulder as little grunts escape from his mouth. His breathing gets faster as you go faster. His mouth opens in an "o" shape as you feel the vein in his dick pop out

He grabs your face lightly and kisses your lips roughly.

L. awww

Ja. ooh guyysss

M. awww how cute

D. ok ok that is my daughter

Justin didn't listen as he kept kissing you. He pulls away breathlessly as his mouth opens again and you feel a sticky substances slides down your hand. You smirk at him and your older brothers look at you with a "be careful look" but you ignore it. Justin looks at you trying to catch his breath and he whispers in your ear.

J. I can't wait to get home

He winks and pecks your lips

A_n. hey guys I hope you enjoyed this dirty chappy and comment for part 3 I looooovvee you guys xoxo~L

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