It cant be

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Imagine: It was just a normal night for you. You were home alone while your boyfriend Justin is clubbing with his friends. As you were watching your favorite tv show Justin comes through the door almost falling. Of course he's drunk once again.

J. hey sexy

He slurs as he walks over to you and sits next to you. Then he puts you on his lap. You start to get worried as he puts sloppy kisses down your neck.

y/n. Justin....Justin stop it

J. why?

y/n. because I don't like it

J. why are you being such a fucking bitch rejecting me and shit

He pushes you off of his lap causing you to fall on the ground. You hurt your back when you fall causing your eyes to water. Out of nowhere he stands up and kicks your leg hard and punches you in the stomach causing you to cry in pain


He smacks your face hard causing you to scream. He gets up and walks away leaving you there crying in pain. He has never done that to you ever he would never do that. After about 10 min. he comes back and picks you up dragging you by your arm. He takes you in the room and throws you on the bed. He gets on top of you and starts ripping your clothes off till your completely naked. He rips his clothes off and you start to whimper.

y/n. Please s-stop please Justin I'm a virgin please

J. we'll have fun

y/n. no ju-

Before you can finish he pounds in you so hard that it felt like your insides were ripping apart. He keeps thrusting and thrusting and it felt like you wanted to die. You start to scream in pain as Justin covers your mouth. Tears start to go down my face like a water fall. As he continues.

J. uh yes uh I'm gonna-

Before he finishes he cums and pulls out. He lays down next to you and shuts off the light then puts his hand around you. You silently cry as his snores fill up the room. You felt so hurt both inside and outside. You felt violated and abused. You were to scared to get up and leave so you just laid down thinking why would he do that? He was the perfect boyfriend that would never hurt you thought. Eventually you managed to cry yourself to sleep.

~ Next Day ~

The next day you start to feel your stomach turn. You get up slightly falling and you run to the bathroom. you lock the door and run to the toilet and throw up. You hear footsteps shuffling and the door nob jiggle.

J. babe? are you ok?

y/n. uhm yes *your voice cracks*

No no no it can't be you thought as you went into the cabinet and took out a pregnancy test. You peed on it and waited 3 min. to show whether positive or not. You read as it said positive 2 lines or negative 1 line.

~ 3 min. Later ~

You hesitantly grab the pregnancy test and looked at it. Your heart skipped a beat as it showed 2 lines

A/N. Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment below opinions and if there should be a part 2 I looovvee you guys xoxo~L

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