Food Fight <3 part 2

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You were standing there in shock as the cold milk hit your stomach. All you heard was the boys laughter so you went into the fridge and got out some eggs and started throwing it at Justin. Then you went up to him and cracked one in his hair

y/n. Yea does it feel good all in your scalp haha

J. *Justin stood there in shock* OH....ITS....ON!!!!

Then Justin ran to the fridge and started throwing things at you like pancake mix and whip cream and waffles. After that you ran upstairs and quickly changes your clothes into one of his shirts and filled water guns balloons and cups filled with soda. You ran downstairs and started squirting it on Justin then you dumped the cup filled with soda on fredo.

y/n. You should have never started something you couldn't finish *smirks*

J. oh Yea....well um whatever you do don't leave this kitchen

y/n. why?

J. because I said so

y/n. I can do whatever I want

As you walked out a huge bucket of soda fell on you and got all over you. You stood there in shock and cold.

y/n. oh my fuck Justin



y/n. no that's not fucking funny

J. awww babe don't get mad

F. Yea its just a game

y/n. Just a game just a game ok since its just a game *you squirt ketchup all over Fredo*


y/n. oh no no*Justin cuts you off*


y/n. really?

J. *looks away*

y/n. I thought it was just a game fredo

F. oh oh ok ok *throws a donut at you put you dodge it*

y/n. ha-ha suckaaaa

you immediately ran to the bathroom and locked the door

F. fuck *he runs upstairs with more donuts* open up y/n I know you in there

you go through the secret passage way in the bathroom that no one knows about except for Justin and you. You pull down the fake soap bottle and the door opens. You slide down the purple slide and land in a room that's HUGE and BEAUTIFUL. You go down the stairs and you bump into something

y/n. AHHHH

J. shhhh baby

y/n. omg you gave me a heart attack

J. haha I'm sorry do you want a sweet kiss?

y/n. yes please babbyy

J. ook *he puts whipped cream on his lips and kisses you passionately*

you smile into the kiss and put your arms around his neck while he puts his arms around your waist

J. *smiles*

y/n. *you pull away slowly* I love this time that we get to spend together

J. Yea me too *he sprays the whipped cream on your neck and licks it off*

y/n. *bites your lip*

As he was doing that you guys heard a huge alarm INTRUDER INTRUDER BEEEEP BEEEEPP. You look up and see fredo standing there

F no don't stop now haha

you guys blush and look away

y/n. um we should get cleaned up

J. Yea come on haha

As you were walking Justin put his arms around your waist and walked behind you

J. *whispers in your ear* I love you

y/n. I love you too

F. I love you fredo I love you too #foreveralone

y/n. HAHAHA no but you have so many girls wanting you and your oreos

F. no no nope not my oreos and ayee stop going so fast *runs to you guys*

~After you guys take a shower and stuff~

you walk downstairs and see food EVERYWHERE

y/n. omg

J. Yea I know

y/n. come on let's clean

F. well um I'm gonna get going

y/n. no no your gonna help clean

F. oh wait you hear that....yes mom I'm coming *he runs out the door*

y/n. haha woow I guess its just us

J. yup me and my baby

y/n. *smiles and starts cleaning*

As you and Justin were wiping down things you felt someone hit your ass

y/n. ouch babe

J. sorry couldn't resist

~A little while later~

y/n. just this one spot and.....DONE

J. good

He picks you up and puts you on the counter and slowly kisses you. You kiss back and Justin pulls you closer to him as you wrap your legs around his waist. He slowly pulls away for air

J. maybe we should have food fights more often

y/n. haha maybe

you jump off the counter and go and sit on the couch

J. *cough* tease

y/n. *cough* I don't recall

J. hey! that's my thing

y/n. not anymoreee

Justin the runs onto the couch and puts his head on your lap

J. I love you y/n

y/n. I love you more

J. I love you most

y/n. I love you forever

J. I love you to infinity and beyond <3

He puts his hand on your face and slowly lifts his head up and pecks you lips. You guys spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies

A/N. hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment opinions. Also PLEASE comment whether I should do just cute or jut drama or maybe both and let me know. I looovvee you xoxo~L

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