The Dream part 3

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J. y-you what?

y/n. that's the exact same thing that happened in my dream

J. babe its probably a coincidence

y/n. keep telling yourself that because THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS!!!


y/n. i-im sorry I'm just scared

J. everything is going to be fine let's just get some rest and I have to start packing tomorrow

y/n. babe but I want to hang out with you

J. I know babe but I have to get rest, come on *grabs your hand*

y/n. *goes with him in the room and lays down with him on the bed looking up at the ceiling*

J. babe?

y/n. yes?

J. I love you, I love you with all you heart you are my lover, bestfriend, and wife. You are my world

y/n. I love you too Justin *you kiss him passionately*

J. *kisses you back*

y/n. *slowly pulls away and drifts off to sleep*

~The Dream~

you were driving to Justin's funeral with his casket in the car in front . You finally get there and run to the car with the casket and see men taking it out.

y/n. wait wait stop

workers. sorry ma'am for your loss but you have to let go

y/n. no *you grab to the casket and open it and you see Justin's lifeless body in it as they drop the casket to the floor and you kneel against it* noooo my baby why baby wake up please wake up *you cry*

~End of Dream~

You woke up once again with tears down your face and with Justin's arms around you. You look at the alarm clock and its already 1 in the afternoon. You wipe your tears and start to wake up Justin.

y/n. babe babe wake up *you shake him lightly*

J. 5 more minutes

y/n. baaabe its already 1 and you have to pack so we can spend the day together tomorrow before...before you leave *you look down*

J. ok *goes to kiss you but you pull away* what?

y/n. brush your teeth first haha

J. ooh that's mean

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