Pregnancy suprise 8

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~ Y/n's POV ~

You don't know why but you had an instinct to wake up. You wake up with a confused expression thinking why were you having a bad feeling. You get up and go into the kitchen getting a glass of water. you go back upstairs but in your mind and in your heart something was telling you check on Jason.

You knock on Jason's door lightly. You received no answer. You knocked on the door again and again but still no answer. You jiggle the door knob and feel that its unlocked. you walk in slowly.

y/n. Jason honey are you ok?

As you go closer and turn on the light you see Jason isn't in his bed. You begin to panic and get worried. You look in his bathroom and everywhere but he's no where. Thats when u noticed a piece of paper on the table.

You walk towards it as your eyes immediately fill with tears. You start shaking as you finish reading the letter and start pacing thinking of places where he can be. Then all of a sudden it hit you like a ton of bricks.

~ flashback ~

You and Jason decided to go and walk around the woods where there was a pathway. As you were walking talking and laughing with Jason you reached a bridge. You cross the street to it looking down and looking at the way the sun hit the water.

Ja. woah this is so beautiful

y/n. Yea I know it is I love the way the sun makes the water sparkle

Ja. me too I wish I could die here I mean its so peaceful no worries its so beautiful and its just makes me feel like this is an escape from the world

y/n. Yea I know

You smile looking at him as you wrap your arms around him thinking it couldn't get better than this moment right now.

~ flashback over ~

you quickly grab your keys and phone shaking running to the car. As you go into the car you struggle from how much your shaking putting the keys into the key hole. You grab your phone pulling out of your driveway calling Justin.

~ Justin's POV ~

As I'm sleeping my phone starts ringing. I toss and turn wiping my eyes looking at the caller ID. I see y/n is calling me and I pick up the phone.

J. hello? *raspy voice*

y/n. j-jason jvghkydcvhjjkn

J. ok baby ok breath ok? I can't understand you

I say getting worried as she cries and takes 3 shaky breaths on the other end of the phone.

y/n. Jason is going to kill himself

J. what?!?

I say as I start to panic and jump up from my bed putting my pants shirt and shoes on. I grab my keys and go into my car as my heart speeds up.

y/n. I don't know but he's on the bridge I'm on my way there now

J. me too

I say as I hang up throwing my phone on the chair. I speed going 90 as I pray that he's ok.

~ y/n's POV ~

You speed going to the bridge. You get there in 5 min. by how fast your going. You stop the car as you see a figure sitting on the edge. You run to him screaming his name.


Jason looks at you with a tears down his face.

Ja. don't stop me mom this is what I want can I have something I want for once?!

y/n. listen baby *wraps your arms around him* please I know what your going through but please dont- *gets cut off*

You get cut off by Justin swerving in his car and jumping out with tears down his face running towards you and Jason.

J. Jason!

he says as he grabs on to Jason's arm lightly.

J. listen Jason I know I can't talk you out of your decision but I'm gonna try. I know I haven't been the best father and I am so sorry because everything you said about me was right I should have made an effort to reach you but I wasn't ready I am so sorry but please stay if you stay I'll do anything I'll be a better dad I'll do anything Jason please

~ Jason's POV ~

I look at Justin and I look in his eyes everything he's saying is true........ but how do I know he's not gonna leave again

Ja. you promise you will never leave me again?

J. of course I swear I love you

Ja. *smiles going to the other side of the railing*

Justin grabs on to Jason and hugs him so tight. One hand is behind Jason head and the other is wrapped around his body

Ja. I love you too dad

Justin smiles so big and grabs you into the family hug kissing you passionately. Just on que you hear sirens and ambulance. You smile at Jason and Justin as Jason sits on the back of the ambulance getting checked out laughing and joking with his dad. Thats when u realized nothing can ever top this moment

A/n. Heyyyy guys I'm back and I will update my other books but just wanted to update this one first and also hope you enjoyed this chapter and I looooovvee you guys xoxo~L

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