I Gave You My All part 2

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You stand there in shock as tears fill your eyes. Tears start streaming down your cheeks as she notices you and quickly covers up causing Justin to look behind him and look into your eyes. You then notice that it was yovanna the girl Justin has been hanging out with. You heart breaks as you get out of your trance and run downstairs while Justin calling your name.

J. Y/N!!!! Y/N wait

You turn around and see Justin running down the stairs with a blanket wrapped around his waist

Y/n. I can't b-believe y-you h-how could y-you

J. baby I'm sorry i-

y/n. no you used me to get what you wanted and you just do that

More tears dropped down your face at how disgusting and like a nobody you felt like. You felt like a toy. You wipe your tears as some fall to the floor and you open the door and walk out.

J. wait y/n no no I didn't use you *a tear goes down his face*

Once you got out the house a whole bunch of paparazzi was in front. You push pass them as you don't even want to see Justin's face.

J. y/n!!!

You see him walk out the house in the bed sheet and immediately paparazzi starts flashing a lot of cameras. You turn around

y/n. l-leave me alone you got what you wanted I can't even describe how disgusting I feel I gave you everything my love my heart my life and most of all my virginity and you took that for granted and cheated on me the next day?!? I fucking hate you

All the paparazzi stop flashing their cameras and stand their in shock. You get in your car as more tears fall from your eyes. You pull out of the driveway and leave to go to your house. Once you get there you park your car and run into your house. You close the door and slide down the door as you bring you knees up to your chest and just cry. Since you left the tv on before you left you started to hear the news

Justin Bieber and y/n had heated argument outside of his house. It seems as Justin cheated on y/n a day after she gave him her virginity! Thats very heartless Justin your nothing but a player and a user. This girl has done nothing to you but you still had the right to go and cheat on her with....check this out yovanna. Don't cry over him y/n your beautiful and go and do your thing. Stay tuned for more here on Hollywood News.

You look up from the floor and get up. You get your phone and you notice you have 99+ texts from Justin and 40 calls from Justin. You also have 3 calls from Pattie and 4 calls from Scooter. You decided to call Pattie first since she's been like your mom since your mom has been away with your dad.

* Phone Convo *

P. hello? hello? y/n?

y/n. yes? *shaky voice*

P. *sighs in relief* your ok awww sweetie are you ok?

y/n. no *starts to cry covers your mom so she won't hear it*

P. aww sweetie open you door

y/n. ok

* End of Convo *

You go to your front door and see Pattie, Fredo, Scooter, Alison, Dan, Chaz, Christian, Ryan, and Jeremy. You smile a little and wipe your tears as they walk in and hug you. After a while they pull away and they sit down in the living room with you.

F(Fredo). Are you ok?

y/n. no

J(Jeremy). How did you find out?

He says and you can tell by his face he is very disappointed.

y/n. I um I called Justin to see if he wanted to hang out but he didn't answer so I thought he was sleeping. So I decided to go to his house and surprise him since he gave me a key. I walked inside and I heard noises and I walked in on them having sex

P. awww baby

She goes to you and gives you a hug as you cry on her shoulder. You see her wave to everybody to leave and thats when the doorbell rang.

y/n. I'll get it

You get up and once you open the door you see Justin with flowers and a teddy bear that says "I'm sorry". You turn around and see  everybody get up and start walking out the backdoor.

J. can I come in please?

y/n. no

J. please just 5 minutes I promise please?

you nod your head and he walks in. He sits on the couch and you sit across from him on a different couch. You look down and fiddle with your fingers.

J. these are for you babe

y/n. I don't want it and don't call me that

You look up and see him look down and look back up as he puts the stuff on your couch.

J. Y/n I'm very very very sorry for what I did. I guess .... no there's no reason why I did that I never wanted to betray you like that and I definitely never wanted to make you feel used or disgusting because that is the last thing I would ever want to do. I just I ...I ....I don't know

You look in his eyes and you can tell with every word he was telling the truth. Tears starts streaming down your face because you know what you have to do.

J. please y/n please give me another chance I promise I'll do better.

y/n. I....I

J. please *tears go down his face*

y/n. there i-is n-no easy w-way of saying this but i- i'm breaking up with you

A/N. I hope you enjoyed it and comment below for a part 3 I looovvee you guys xoxo~L

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