Let Me Go....part 3

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J. hey baby

y/n. Justin? your ok?

J. of course I am thanks to you

y/n. what do you mean?

J. I mean because of you being in my life I have a reason to live

y/n. awwww baby

J. I love you

y/n. I love you too

He kisses you passionately and pulls away smiling

y/n. I'm in love with you

J. I'm in love with you too

y/n. Justin?

J. yes baby?

y/n. don't leave me

J. I'm not going anywhere *echoes* wake up wake up wake up

You open your eyes and see a doctor shaking you a little to wake up

y/n. *rubs your eyes* is he ok?

D. *smiles* he's perfectly fine

y/n. oh my gosh really?

D. hahaha yes

y/n. thank you thank you thank you *you hug him*

D. haha your welcome he's in room 126 second floor

y/n. thank you

You pull away and run up the stairs to second floor. You didn't feel like waiting for the elevator. Once you got to room 126 you knock on the door

J. come in

an angelic voice says filling your heart with joy. You open the door and see Justin sitting there with a needle in his arm and bandages.

y/n. baby....

You run to him and hug him softly

J. hey babe

y/n. your ok

J. physically not mentally *looks down*

y/n. I know

J. I'm really sorry

y/n. you shouldn't be I'm just glad your ok

J. ok *leans in and kisses your lips lightly*


y/n. yes baby?

J. I'm not ok I'm really heart broken I'm not happy here I just want to die

y/n. don't say that no you don't you have me your family and your Beliebers

J. I know but its the hate that gets to me y/n. I just want to be happy but I'm not here don't you want me to be happy?

y/n. yes *tear slides down your face*

J. why are you crying?

y/n. because I know what you want me to do

J. .....

y/n. Justin I can't

J. yes you can baby set me free let me be happy .....Let me go

y/n. *more tears come down* I can't Justin I'm not ready

J. but I am *tear slides down his face* I love you y/n its not you its me just please let me be happy and free all this pain will go away if you just let me go

He puts his hand up and touches your face and wipes the tears away. He pulls you towards him and kisses you passionately the most passionate kiss you ever felt. You guys kiss for 2 min. until both of you guys pull away.

J. you can do it

y/n. I love you Justin

J. I love you more and remember I will always be there with you in you heart.

Justin lays down smiling a little. You lean in and kiss his smiling lips as he kisses back. You go to the needle that's pumping blood into him and you pull it off of him. (M=machine)

M. beep beep beep beepbeepbeep *goes faster and then stops* flatline

you soon feel him not kissing back and you pull away crying so hard.

y/n. bye Justin

You kiss his blue lips and get up from the bed. You let go of his cold hand and you get up and run out of the hospital. You run home and once you get there you run into yours and Justin's room. You look around with tears in your eyes and you go into the bathroom you notices like a piece of a paper on the floor. As your reading more tears come down your eyes and put the letter down and you go through yours and Justin's photo album. You can't take it no more and you break down to the floor crying

y/n. why Justin why did you leave me why Justin I miss you I need you please come back I'm sorry for everything I did please just come back to me please Justin. JUSTIN!!!

You go in the closet and take one of Justin's shirts and you put it on and you grab one of his necklaces and you clutch it in your hands close to you heart. As you cry yourself to sleep

~ Dream ~

You wake up in a really bright place. You look down and see little roses. You follow the roses with you head still looking down. You came across silver supra. You slowly look up and see Justin standing in front of you. He smiles as he touches your face and hugs you tightly.

J. thank you I'm finally free *pulls away*

y/n. I'm not I'm heartbroken Justin once I pulled that cord off of you I felt like half of me died

J. I'm sorry y/n. I left you when I promise I wouldn't but this is something that needed to happen....I'm finally happy again *smiles* and look who I have with me.

You look behind him and see beautiful avalanna

y/n. *you smile wide* Avalanna

A. hi *smiles*

Justin picks her up and smiles. Right now you were seeing a whole new justin . One thats happier and finally has peace

J. we are happy now and baby don't worry I will always be watching over you. I love you ok?

y/n. ok

J. and soon once your time comes we will all be together forever

He puts avalanna down and grabs your hands

J. I know right now all your feeling is pain and regret but-

y/n. Justin there is no buts I do feel that way I will never be the same without you. You were the reason why I smiled everyday why I loved waking up every morning. It was always you but I don't understand is it me who drove you to do this *tear slides down your face* because if it was I'm sorry I'm really sorry for everything I did to you just please come back Justin please come back to me

J. *tear slides down his face* it wasn't you it was me I was the one who knew once I was gone all my pain would be gone too. And why are you sorry? are you sorry for making me happy? for showing me love? or for being there for me when I needed you because thats what you did and I'm soooooo happy for that. I love you y/n. so much

y/n. I love you too Justin

J. I have to go now but just remember I love you and here here's something to remember me by

He puts a dog tag around your neck that says "Justin + y/n= Forever". After that he grows wings and fly's away.

~ End of Dream ~

After the dream you woke up and felt something around your neck. You look down and see the dog tag

y/n. I love you Justin

The end

A/N. comment opinions below I loovveee you guys xoxo~L

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