Andrew Robertson: Defender

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I was so excited with him going forward, nearly started the chapter off as if he was a winger. Whoops. Do enjoy having a Scottish guy here. We've been lacking in that position for a while now and we've been looking for a true left back for a while now, so I like this transfer.

Andrew comes in at 5'10, taller than 5'7 Alberto and 5'9 James Milner. An inch always helps when it comes to aerial challenges, but as you can see, it still seems to be one of his weak areas. I have seen smaller guys contest with those that are taller than them and win the ball, so I think he'll be able to learn away around this part of his game that he can't help. He is good at crossing the ball in rather than coming in for the cross so I guess this is a good trade for the height.

With all the draw backs Moreno had, I'm sure his pace is one thing that will be missed. Lucky for us, Robertson seems to have pace of his own. He enjoys a good run upfield and loves to send the ball into the box for the striker or whatever runner is there to get. He also moves in to get a piece of the shooting action himself and he's not bad at all. For the most part, his shots are on target and pretty close to what you'd want them to be. So if he starts thundering down the pitch, a nice shot or cross can be expected. With all this attacking talk, though, comes the talk on defence. When he first came to Hull, he was easily caught out of position and it made for some problems and leaky defence situations for the club. Now, he is getting better at his positioning and making sure that he switches back to a defensive mindset so he doesn't get found out. Am I saying he's the perfect left back? I can't be sure about this because he's 23 and still has years to get better than he is now. But he certainly has the stuff to be a great left back for us. 

Robertson can only play left back. I know the video said that he can possibly play left midfielder, I just don't want to see him there because that would mean the midfield has just up and got injured. Wouldn't like the sound of that. He does play with his left foot, something that we also have a need of for a while now. James Milner at left back was and is still pretty good but he always plays with his right foot and you can't get upset with him over that because he's Mr Dependable and made it work anyways. Having a left back with a left foot, to me, would help us out that extra bit. 

At £8m, with a possible rise to £10m, this is a steal in today's transfer market, practically a free transfer. Some Hull City fans are moaning a bit on how low we got him for, believing that it should have gone up to something around  £17m~ £20m, so I'd like to see it as a steal. He gets the number 26, a number I thought we had filled a while ago (maybe a player we transferred recently) and a nice contract. He already knows the rigours of the PL and what to do about it. Though he was on a recently relegated team, I see of this like the Wijnaldum transfer. People were a little upset about it because we missed out on Zielinski and Draxler and we get a guy that didn't do so well for a pretty bad Newcastle (until the last match of the season). In the end, Wijnaldum's help got us CL and I feel we should have something similar to the level of optimism we have with Gini now to Robertson. A Scottish international and the tools to be good, I don't see why not. 

Feel free to talk about your likes and dislikes on Andy in the comments! (I'll also have the Kevin Stewart chapter up eventually, along with Andy's first interview)

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