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•Shawn's pov
"Shawn, you have to break up with her. You know that." My manager, Andrew said through the phone.

I sighed, "I know, but-." He cut me off before I could finish.

"Shawn you have to date Ellie for publicity." (Sound familiar??? 😏)

"Okay, I will do it at the end of the trip." I said looking out at the fresh snow. I can't believe I have to do this.

"You're dating Ellie Bamber?" Liz asked me as soon as I walked into the bedroom.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I saw the article Shawn. Grayson told me about her." My blood ran cold when she mentioned his name.

"Liz I can explain-." She cut me off.

"I don't even want to know Shawn," she said shaking her head and getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked following her.

"Away from you." She said sliding on her shoes and coat before walking out of the cabin. She slammed the door behind her after she walked out. I punched the wooden wall beside me and rested my forehead against it. How did this go bad so fast?

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