Chapter 4

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"Maybe I shouldn't go" I said said I holstered my gun in my uniform. 

"Go to work Haley, I'll tell you if anything changes" Derek said. We were still waiting for Cora to wake up. Due to the current murder of the kid at the pool and the murder of Heather I was called in to help. I want to help I just want to be here when Cora wakes up.

"Okay fine, as soon as she opens her eyes, or even starts to stir text me. Oh and I made cookies last night because I couldn't sleep so you're welcome." I walked up the three stairs to the door and opened it. I turned around to close it and caught a glimpse at Derek's smirk over the cookie comment. 


(Third Person POV)

Derek was watching Cora sleep while Boyd was recovering at his parents. Haley had just left and seeing as Cora wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon he wanted to know exactly what this English teacher saw last night. He was waiting for her to show up in the classroom when his phone dinged indicating a text. He smiled a little knowing that the only person who ever really texts him is Haley. Scott, Isaac and really anyone else just calls him and most of the time he doesn't answer, if it was an emergency then they would have to show up at his doorstep. 

She waking up yet? -Haley. Derek realizing that Jennifer was close hurried and replied back to her with a 'Not yet.' Jennifer must have been spooked being back at the school after last night. The classroom door flew open and Jennifer was quick to shut it letting out a relieved breath, obviously not noticing Derek standing behind her. Once she did turn around she let out a squeal and grabbed a ruler as a means to defend her self. Like it would do anything. 

"What do you want? You want to threaten me, tell me no body is going to believe me, not that I'm going to tell anyone in the first place" She said, her voice shaking. 

"I want to know exactly what you saw last night" Derek said sternly. Jennifer stared at him wide eyed not expecting such a stern tone. 

"Nothing really, just a couple things that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life" Jennifer said laughing at the last bit in a joking manner. Derek didn't find it amusing knowing that nightmares aren't something to joke about, seeing as Haley's own nightmares have been giving her hell lately and he doesn't know how to save her from her dreams. 

"You should forget about what you saw, if anyone finds out they won't just go after me, they will go after you too" Derek said. 

"I promise, I won't say anything" She said, her voice shaking. 

"Good, because I would hate to have do something to make you keep your mouth shut" Derek said. He didn't want to scare a innocent women but it was his only choice. 

"Noted" Jennifer said "You look well considering what happened to you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Derek said getting ready to walk out of the class room believing that the English teacher was scared enough of him than to tell anybody. 

"Maybe we could go out sometime, and you can tell me more about what exactly happened" Jennifer said flirtatiously. Derek smirked a little bit and looked back at her. Derek wondered why she would want to go out with him seeing as he basically just threatened her life. 

"You don't want to know more about my world" Derek said looking in her eye then the thought of Haley brought somewhat of a half smile to him face. "And I'm already with somebody" He said and walked out the door back to where his sister that he hasn't seen in years resided, still unconscious. 

-Haley's POV-  

When I arrived at the station everything was chaotic as another call was placed saying they found another body. I turned to Cheri with furrowed eyebrows. "Another one, that's three total in the span of two days" I said with a high pitch.

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