Chapter 27

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Nobody knows what it's like to die until you experience death yourself. Some say it's like a dreamless sleep, nothing. Others say you will go to heaven and live in paradise. Yeah right. I've always though that was just something they said to make people not fear death as much as it should be feared. Maybe I'm just a 'believe it when I see it' person. I did die though. At least that's what Melissa told me when I woke up. I was medically deceased for five minutes. And in those five minutes I felt nothing. No paradise. No light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing. 

"How are you feeling" Scott asked.

"Like I died not even 16 hours ago" I said sitting up and putting my jacket on. Wincing doing so. I still felt the after affects of the wolvesbane. Deaton said it was normal. 

"Maybe you should rest more" Scott said. 

"I'm gonna see Derek, I have to. You didn't tell him did you?" I asked looking up at him. "That I technically died at the hands of Stiles aka the nogitsune" 

"He knows you were poisoned with a rare form of wolvesbane but no, I didn't tell him you died" He said. 

"Good, he doesn't need to know" I said. 

"Why?" Scott asked. 

"Because if he finds out that the nogitsune actually did manage to kill me. I'm afraid that he will go after and kill it, killing Stiles in the process" I said. 

"You think he would do that?" Scott asked. 

"Remember the Jackson incident? He didn't care about killing him. Although I do admit he's changed a lot since then, right now he's agreed to save Stiles first" I said. 

"Okay" Scott said "I won't say anything" 

"Thanks. How's Stiles by the way?" I asked. Last I heard he was poisoned by Deaton. 

"He admitted himself into Eichen House against mine and Stilinski's will. He's really torn up about what happened to you" He said. 

"It wasn't him" I said. 

"That's what we told him" Scott said. "But he doesn't want to hurt any one else" 

"It might be for the best then, who knows after the bombing, and the hospital, who knows what the nogitsune will do next. I'll see you late okay?" I said

"Okay" He whispered. 


***Third Person***

Derek and Stiles were sitting back to back against their jail cells. Derek hated being in here, but he's doing what Haley wanted him to. After the bombing he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. Wondering if she was okay. The phone call with Scott made him scared, which is a feeling he doesn't feel very often. Right now he was listening in on the deputies conversations trying to figure out how far the investigation has gotten. 

"Still nothing?" Chris asked from the other side of the cell. "Derek?"

"Hold on." Derek said getting frustrated. He listened in on Parrish and a deputy talking. 

"Hey, where's the sheriff?" A deputy asked

 Stilinski's out for the day. So the Katashi murder is now a Federal Investigation. Everything here that wasn't blown up needs to be placed in Lockup." Parrish answered. 

"What about Haley? How is she?" The deputy asked. 

"She's recovering from the bomb, nothing some rest can't handle" Parrish said. Derek let out a breath of relief hearing that Haley was okay.

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