chapter 1

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you would not believe how funny it is to see the look on a hero's face when they know for the first time that your a 17 year old villian. it's priceless to see the look of shock and disbelief.

they then try to come up with a reason for why an innocent kid is being bad. well let me tell you now, I LIKE being evil.

it's who i am.

I'm not a well known villian but let me tell you that the world WILL know my name. I've been to prison before, but no cell can ever hold me.

my name is Winter Ivy.

I can make any illusion i create a reality. i don't have a villian name yet, but I've been a bad girl since i was seven.

I can't fully control my powers yet, even after ten years of practice. I just got them when i turned seven. I'm the best assassin you could ever meet and no one suspects me because of my age. I have a few more powers like super strength, agility, mastered every weapon, super smart, not many weapons can even cut my skin and when they do i heal very fast and did i mention I stopped aging so I'll forever be 17.

did i also mention that my voice is able to charm any boy who hears it. luckily i have full control over that one and i don't use it often unless I'm in deep trouble.

I don't remember anything from before i was seven, I just woke up one day with all these powers.

my eyes are silver with a hint of electric blue but they glow a golden brown when i get angry and that's when I'm usually at my most powerful, but that's also when I lose control.

my hair is silver with gold streaks in it that i keep in a braid on my shoulder. my skin is tanned but flawless as silk and my nails change colors with my moods.

I can't swim and I'm terrified of small spaces. I don't do well if I'm not free and out in the open.

I don't know why I'm so scared of small spaces, but every time since i can remember i would always get anxiety and panic attacks. I would get flashes of something that happened in the past that made me afraid but when i come out of it, i can never remember what happened.

that's probably why it never takes long for me to escape from prison when I'm caught, the cells are VERY closed in. If I'm kept in tight spaces to long, I'll pass out.

what's strange is that I can end up in comas but i don't know why.

so anyway, I'm not on any big time hero's radar yet because I'm good at blending in. I've only had to deal with small time heroes and mainly in new York. i travel all over the world but i mainly stay in new York. I don't know why but there's something about the place that always draws me back no matter where i go.


I jump roof from roof, so i avoid any so called heroes. I left the place of the crime right away before they would have any time to get there, I am an assassin. I have no problem killing, in fact i enjoy it. I'll do whatever i have to in order to survive.

I just murdered a crime boss who owed an employer money, now I'm heading to the secret meeting place to hand over the money so I can get paid.

It's basically a bar for criminals, but it's kept out of the public eye so no heroes come venturing in.

I smirked as i heard police sirens heading to the murder area, just as i slipped into an alley way. I placed my hand on the brick wall and with ease i saw through the illusion to see a secret doorway. silently i slipped inside.

Evil can't be good (a avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now