chapter 4

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I know for a fact that those avengers are too stupid to see through my illusion. they're weak. I can't believe the speedster, (or quicksilver i think he calls himself,) is stupid enough to think i would seriously trip and fall off a cliff. i mean really.

I'm the world's best assassin. for 10 years i stayed off the radar, for 10 years I've been on the run traveling place to place. for 10 years i have avoided capture.

quicksilver did look faintly familiar but that was probably just from the news or something.

I can't remember much from before i was seven and went on the run except for rare flashes or random memories that pop out of no where.

I know I used to have a brother and a father. but i wasn't close to my family. I can never be close to anyone.

I think i was sort of close to my brother but i don't even remember his name or how old he was. I do wear a bracelet that i know my brother gave me for a birthday but i don't know which. I don't even know when my birthday is.

the jewel is a pure silver pearl heart and on the back it says "my sister, I'll always be with you in spirit"

the bracelet it's self is made of blue pearls. it's the only reason i remember i had a brother. this bracelet that i never take off is the only thing i have of him and is my only reminder of my life before i was seven.

I haven't taken it off since i discovered it on my wrist, when i was seven.

I know for certain i wasn't close with my family but I was closer to my brother than anyone else. I know my father abused me badly and that was why i left but i don't remember who my father was.

after quicksilver ran back to the avengers with a tear stained face, i ran to my hiding place more confused than ever. I would stay here and lay low until i could leave the city.

but i don't understand why Hawk eye or quicksilver would care so much if i lived or died. I am evil, they shouldn't care what happens to me. no one does.

no one cares about me and no one knows me and that's how i want it to stay.

despite what they want to believe, I can't be good. evil can't be good. It's impossible.

i could go around the city pretending to be good, evil could do good deeds but underneath the disguise i will always be evil. they can't change who i am no matter what they try.

my hideout is a tree house/safe house in the middle of the forest at the border of new York, not far from the heart of new York where avenger's tower is located.

it's the best place because no one would expect me to be hiding right under there noses. plus my illusions keep my safe house hidden. my illusions are temporary but I'm powerful enough to keep the illusion going as long as I'm in the forest.

when i create an illusion, I'm the only one who can see past the illusion. but there are some, who's wills are as strong as my own. i have never met anyone with a stronger will than me.

but there are some who can see what others can't. who's eyes can see what truly is. but i have never met anyone who can see through my illusions other than me.

I walked through the forest towards my safe house, snickering about the fact that the avengers think I'm dead. it was so easy to fake my death.

I am stronger than the avengers, more powerful, considering no man can resist my voice.

I came to a clearing in the trees where a single huge oak tree stood and built into it was a metal safe house. to anyone else, they only see the clearing.

tonight i would leave new York.



i walked into Fury's office, the guards saluting me as i passed. I expected no less considering me and Nat are the best spies ever, I thought with a smirk.

knocking on the door, i made my face void of emotion as not to arouse fury's suspicions.

"enter" I heard a deep voice answer but it was faint because of the steel forced door.

i walked in with a blank face.
"what can i do for you agent Barton?" director nick fury asked, never looking up from his computer.

"I have reason to believe and report that the siren is alive and in hiding."I say with formality and no emotion.

Fury looked up at this, with anger and something i have never seen before. he looked afraid. but i knew better than to mention it.

"what! why do you think that? you better not be playing jokes Barton, the siren is a serious matter." he said with rage.

"Pietro recognized her as his little sister and informed me about an ability she had that we were unaware of." I stated.

"we know almost nothing about the siren other than she's a very dangerous assassin. so tell me everything you found out." he said.

"her real name is Winter Maxamoff and is 17 years old. she's the little sister to Pietro and Wanda Maxamoff. Magneto abused her badly as a kid when he thought she had no powers because she kept them hidden. he drove her to a life of crime.

she was never close with her brother or sister so she ran away when she was 7 and disappeared for 10 years. Pietro brought to my attention that she is able to create illusions and make them a reality temporarily. she is able to control any male who hears her voice. also known as the spell of the siren.

Pietro believes that she created an illusion and faked her death to keep us off her trail. he believes she'll lie low and leave the city. disappear again." i said.

"then we have to find her before she leaves. she's dangerous and i want her behind bars." he basically screamed.

"sir, i don't believe she's truly evil, she's just a kid and probably doesn't know what she's doing. give the avengers the chance to make her see reason, to find the good in her." I said rationally but unemotionally.

"i want the avengers to capture her and put her in very secure prison. I'll give the avengers one month but i want her locked up the whole time. keep her in stark tower and if you can't get her to give up evil, shield will take care of her. dismissed." he said, looking back to his computer.

"yes sir." I said as i left.

I can't believe i actually convinced him to give her a chance.

"oh and Barton?" he called.

I stopped and faced him.

"yes sir?"

"if she gives me one reason, any reason at all, or hurts anyone, I won't hesitate to give the order to terminate her. she's deadly and I won't risk lives."

I nodded, hoping like hell it wouldn't come to that.

I left and went back to the tower.

I would need to tell the avengers and we would need to find a place to start looking before she left the city.

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