chapter 20

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Winter's p.o.v

i smile as i download the files onto a master hard drive. but I'm also looking through the files on the screen, looking for anything that would tell me what the avengers want with me or possibly any info on who i used to be. or better yet, information on the archer who dared to attack me. he must be skilled if he managed to shoot me in the first place and escape hydra.

what i wonder is how on earth he managed to shoot me. it couldn't have been a sneak attack because my senses are as sharp as they come, i would have seen that arrow coming from a mile away.

but it couldn't have been luck or pure skill because i would have stopped it before it came anywhere close to me. so how the hell did he shoot me in the ribs? I'm lucky it wasn't more serious and even if i hate to admit it, i owe hydra a debt.

they saved my life and i always repay my debts. and i have a score to settle with this archer. i won't rest until my blade his red with his blood, and i should warn him that i can hold a grudge. but what i hate most of all is that i can't remember anything about the attack or my life before it. i know i have been an assassin for a while but i can't remember specific events or things that I've been through.

i have a suspicion that hydra is responsible but i do owe them my life. and they helped me control my power. no more angry outbursts, no more passing out from power overloads and i don't need to focus any more. my powers rely on only instinct. and my instincts are never wrong. my first instinct is to kill.

i don't like the idea of being loyal to hydra or my father. and i have the feeling that they're lying to me or not telling me something. and it involves the avengers.

so I'm not surprised when i hear a robotic voice behind me. welcome to the game Tony stark, or should i say iron man. avenger.

"damn. i didn't believe them when they said you were here. but i just had to see for myself when the intruder sounded an awful lot like a certain assassin i knew." he said with disbelief in his voice.

"the only reason you know I'm here is because i decided to let the alarm go off. but i don't leave people alive if I'm supposed to kill them. nothing personal, just orders." i say as i turn around to face the tin man.

"you knew about the silent alarm?" he asks, obviously impressed.

"of course. what kind of assassin would i be if i didn't know how to identify that kind of thing. i also know how to find and disable them. anything to avoid being caught." i say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

for me it truly was.

then stark gets a very serious face in place of his smirk.

"who's orders? i thought you were still a prisoner of hydra's. that's what Clint said. he's been a mess ever since, trying to find you." he said with concern.

the archer. thought i was a prisoner? now i am very damned confused.

"archer.." i whispered under my breath.

i made sure stark could here me because now he lifted his mask, revealing his face. perfect.

"they experimented on you. what did they do to you?" he asked with anger.

this has to be a trick right?

"you aren't lying." i mumble.

hydra improved my ability to tell if someone is lying or not. how is a mystery. maybe they did experiment on me...

"I was never a prisoner you fool. i owe them a debt. i owe them my life. so i am forever loyal to hydra! i am here under my father's orders. well, I'm only loyal until it no longer suits my interests. hail hydra." i smirk.

he looks at me like i lost my mind.

"they did experiment on you. and no doubt erased your memories again." he sneers with anger.

again... that's the only confirmation i needed to know it was hydra's fault.

"they saved my life when your archer nearly killed me!"  i sneer.

"what ever they told you is a lie! it was your father who shot you with that arrow when Clint was trying to protect you! in the end they captured you both. now your a puppet just like your brother was!" he screamed with outrage.

i look at him dazed.

"what brother?" i ask as i fiddle with my bracelet.

there is no way i have a brother. my father is my only family.... unless they lied about that too. how could i not see it!

"you really don't remember Pietro? or Wanda? your older brother and sister?" he asks sadly.

i scream in anger. all these lies!

"I don't remember anything!" i shout with my voice laced with pain.

i clutch my head as a blistering pain pierces my mind. i start laughing like a mad woman.

"Wanda.." i say with a face splitting smile.

i remember her all right, i hate her. i don't forget enemies. she's still trying to pry inside my head. i stand up, swaying side to side slightly while holding my head with one hand and holding the wall for balance with the other.

"nice try sister. but you still can't take me down that way. but thanks for the reminder of who the hell you are. i remember that i can't stand you." i say with a smile.

i hear her groan in annoyance from behind me. her mistake, now i know where she is. that little brain attack kind of made my vision blurry for a bit. it will where off soon enough.

i look at iron man dead in the eyes. i know he notices the color that they now glow but it's too late.

"the siren commands your attention." i say in a echo like voice. but to a man my voice will sound like the best thing ever, like honey or something just as stupid.

his eyes glow and then go completely dull. he should have left that mask on. then he would've been safe.

"kill her." i order coldly as my sight returns.

this will be the last time she is an annoyance.

this will be the last time she tries to pry into my head.

Clint's p.o.v

i basically jump out of my seat when i get the call on the avengers I.D card. Tony had gotten a call from his security team when a silent alarm was triggered in his company building. they basically described winter and the guard said she matched the picture in the lookout database. but none of us believed it was her. i mean why the hell would she be there at stark tower.

so Tony went on his own to check it out. and Wanda went as back up.

"it's her, need back up hurry!" Wanda shouted as the com went to static.

I'll always regret that i couldn't save her. i escaped and she didn't. i looked for her but before i could find her i was surrounded and i had to leave or else i would be killed before i could go back for her.

and I'll remember that forever. and if something happens to her, I'll never forgive myself. she's probably a puppet to hydra now. i left her there to long, because i couldn't find her after i left. it was like the facility disappeared.

so as soon as i got this message, i was already out the door. all night i have been on the edge of my seat and now i get to see if it's really her.

but something in me prays it isn't her. because the tone of Wanda's voice gives me the feeling what ever i find will make me feel even worse then i already do.

i just prey she remembers me.

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