chapter 8

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I'm trying to figure out why she would let herself be captured. it makes no sense. winter maximoff truly is a mystery.

we got her locked up into a secured cell in the middle of the tower and the whole time she refused to say a word but kept a smirk on her face the whole time. the assassin honestly made everyone very uneasy, but for some reason i was drawn to her.

Pietro hasn't figured out that the little girl was his sister and honestly i didn't get the chance to see that illusion.

but she has me wondering why i can see through her illusions but no one else can. I would ask her later.



I kneel on the cell floor with chains on my wrists, hanging in the air attached to the walls. the cell door was made of very strong glass so people could see me inside but i haven't had the chance to test exactly how strong it was.

rogers warned me if i were to try anything, they would exchange these chains for ones that would prevent me from using my powers. ya, good luck with that. everyone has left and it's time for some fun before i escape.

eyes flashing gold, i created the illusion of a hulk. the trick is that my hulk will go on a rampage, making the avengers think the real Banner is in a rage. all the while I'll have the real Dr. Bruce banner in a coma. an Illusion become reality and he won't awaken until i choose to release him.

that's only my first trick in all the fun I'm going to have in the next weak. as soon as i get bored, I'll escape. if they don't play by my rules, I'll kill banner. simple as that. i am an assassin. after Banner goes into a coma, the avengers will come to me and demand what i have done. I'll make them play my game, If they refuse, break my rules or lose, I'll kill the Dr. he's my leverage and they're strongest player.

this will be fun.

and they can't take away my powers, I'm far to powerful. if they take away my powers, any Illusion that has turned reality will stay that way until i release it and i can't do that with no powers now can i?

as i kneel, thinking about my first trick, i hear footsteps approaching my cell. when i look up, i keep a stone blank face as he approaches me. i am emotionless.

"why can i see past your illusions?" he asks, sitting in the guard chair outside my cell.

I smile, already seeing a chance to mess with him.

"hello to you too. it's because your eyes are sharper than most. you see what other can't, you see the truth when all is not what it seems. you alone can tell when my Illusions are reality." i say, already enjoying myself.

"miss maximoff-" i cut him off sharply.

"who's miss maximoff? my name is Winter ivy." i say sharply with confusion.

"oh. my friend just thought you were someone he used to know, my bad. I'll have to correct him." he mumbled with worry.

"see that you do, for I will not be called something I'm not." I snap harshly.

"why do you do this? and how long have you been an assassin?" he asks.

"what is this, an interrogation? I don't have to tell you anything!" I sneer.

"just asking. your quite feisty aren't you siren?" he asks with a smirk.

"so I've been told." i say with my own smirk.

"but you better be prepared because I'm getting bored." i say, looking him in the eyes.

"oh really?" he says.

"really. i like a challenge and you may not like how i have fun. torture being one of my favorites." i say, that's all the warning he'll get from me.

"what do you mean?" he asked, suddenly serious, him obviously taking my warning seriously.

the others i assume won't be so trusting.

shaking my head. i smirk. he seems to understand that he won't get anymore from me so he leaves  with a groan.

time for fun.

time for  a siren song. if i want to control someone from long distance, i have to sing a siren song and direct it to a certain person. my voice will travel to that person alone and he'll fall under my control.

"Bruce Banner, beast within without a choice. open your mind and hear my hypnotic voice." I sing with a hypnotic lilt in my voice, echoing throughout the tower, but only Dr. banner will hear it.

"wills clash and yours will disappear, my power is something to fear. come to me and let my control be, i am your siren queen." I finish the song, and i smirk as Dr. banner walks up to my cell, which is fairly close to his lab.

he stops in front of my cell and i smile.

"the siren releases you." i say and his eyes flash white and back to normal.

"what the hell? how'd i get here?" he babbled as he stared at me.

"hello Dr. banner. I'm bored and i want to play a little game. but I'm afraid I'll need your help to get the avengers to play. you'll be my leverage. you'll be asleep for a while and won't remember this conversation when you wake." i say.

"I don't know what your planning but you can't do it from in there. and good luck beating the other guy." he said, turning to walk away.

"that's where your wrong, I already have and you're making a mistake, turning away from me." I growl.

with a flash of my eyes, Bruce banner collapses onto the ground where he once stood.

I smile, let the games truly begin.

with another flash of my eyes, an illusion of the hulk appears in front of Dr. banner. he stares at me with absent eyes, no rage or life in them. as long as the avengers don't look to close at his eyes, they won't tell the difference. but he'll have to avoid the bird brain.

"hulk, i want you to go on a rampage and lead the avengers to me." i say.

the illusion nods and leaves with a roar. i have an hour until my illusion wears off. I look at the collapsed Bruce banner. i don't know how long I'll make my game last but It'll be fun. Bruce banner seems like a nice guy but i feel no guilt.

it's a blessing to be cut off from my emotions, to have no humanity. I don't feel useless emotions like guilt or sadness or love. and that's a good thing in this line of work. being an assassin, i can't afford to get attached to anyone or feel guilt for killing.

I hear a loud crash from above and a scream.

i smirk, it won't be long before the avengers realize the hulk is an illusion and notice the real banner is missing.

time to play by my rules or he dies.

Evil can't be good (a avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now