chapter 18

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Clint's p.o.v

i stood frozen as i saw winter clutch at the arrow wound in her side. right between her ribs. the cry she made when it dug deeper into her skin echoed in my mind and probably would forever. it was my arrow that injured her so if she died, i would never forgive myself.

even if it was magneto who manipulated the arrow, i should have known better then to shoot. that was a fatal shot so it's a wonder that she's even still alive. she really is the toughest girl i have ever met.

but if she doesn't get medical help, she will die of blood loss. I'm just glad i didn't hit a lung or any vital organs. she would have died on impact. she stared at the blood covered arrow as in amazement that it actually landed a fatal blow on her.

then as she smiled like a maniac, she dropped it to the ground. i know she's able to heal herself but what if she isn't focused enough like last time when she fell from the sky. or worse, what if she just didn't want to.

she was all about games, so what if she decided to see how this would play out. to see the reactions and see how they manage without her dying.

but if i assume the worse and she really can't heal herself, then it would be my fault she died.

winter's smile slowly faded as her eyes closed and her body went limp on the ground. she still clutched at the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. but with her passed out like that, her hold is surly weakened and having no impact on how long she lives.

"surrender and I'll spare her life and get her the medical attention she needs.. but if you dare to shoot at me again, I'll make sure the arrow pierces her heart." magneto sneered triumphantly in my direction as he watched winter carefully.

probably trying to make sure he wasn't seeing one of her illusions. but to my dismay it was all to real. i knew this was probably a trick but at the moment it was winter's only hope of surviving. so i did the only thing i could do in my situation.

i could wait when it really counted. i can wait for my moment.

so without  a single word, i dropped my quiver of arrows and lay down my bow. it's not like i needed them in order to beat this guy. if anything against magneto they would only slow me down.

and like that, a girl made me lose the battle. but i haven't lost the war. and to think I'd go through all this trouble for my enemy.

Winter's p.o.v

i woke up to the feel of a hard table beneath me. i assume metal and i can tell i am on top of a sheet. when i try to open my eyes, i am met by a blinding white light that makes me feel like I'm being burned by the sun. of course i know it's a lab light.

and then when i try to move my arms or legs, that i am restrained tightly. metal on every part of my body that could help me escape. on my legs, ankles, arms, wrists, waist and neck. all attaching me to this lab table.

i feel something metal over my mouth to no doubt prevent me from using my siren spell to escape. i doubt i can use my powers if i can't focus.

i feel the dull aching pain in my ribs from being shot with that arrow. i open my eyes all the way, looking to the side to avoid the bright light.

i have no doubt where i am. I'm in a hydra lab of all god forsaken places. damn that bastard!

my only question is which half of me is awake. the real me or the assassin?

and then i make an earth shattering scream when I'm hit with a jagged pain. it feels like I'm burning from the inside, electricity is coursing through my veins and body. in all my years that i can remember, i have never screamed like that. even when my dad abused me to the point of death, i never screamed, made a single sound or shed a single tear.

but this is a whole new pain, a whole new torture.

I hear a voice call out my name in agony but i can't for the life of me place who it is. and yet i find myself saying a single name. one i never thought I'd say in a time like this.

"Clint." i gasp out painfully.

and then it stops. the fire just cuts off. i feel myself gasping for air, my breathing ragged and shallow.

"say goodbye. you won't remember anything when we're through with you, winter maximoff." i heard a deep male voice say.

i didn't see a face but that was the last thing i heard before my mind went foggy and i fell into a void of blackness.

the last thought i had was

"don't forget me, Clint Barton."

then there was nothing.

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