chapter 3

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I can't believe she's gone. the siren is dead and i didn't even know her name. this will haunt me forever because i know i could've helped her. i could've made her notice the good in her troubled heart. get her to use her powers for good. make her a hero.

i didn't see her body, i couldn't handle that. she was just a kid and i could've made her good. When Pietro came back from chasing her with his face streaked with tears, i felt my heart shatter, expecting the worst news.

Pietro didn't disappoint to my misfortune.

his voice broke and his face was full of anguish as he told us she was dead. he basically broke down when he said he couldn't save her from falling off the cliff.

then he kept mumbling something about how he couldn't help her the first time. how he kept failing her for the second time. how himself and his twin sister Wanda would both never forgive himself. not again.

to be honest i didn't understand half the stuff he was mumbling except that he was depressed for some reason. i didn't blame him. i felt the same except because I'm a professional spy, I can better mask my emotions.

I had the feeling Wanda would soon be joining our depression for some reason.

as i walked through the tower, I saw Pietro slumped against the wall. time to figure out why he's so down about her.

"Pietro, why are you so depressed about the siren? I feel the same but i want to know why you do." I say, sitting next to him while wincing at my broken rib.

you can clearly tell he's been crying more but i didn't say anything about it. he sighed because he knew i would get him to tell me some way or another.

"I think i knew her. I can't tell for sure, i didn't get a good enough look but i think she was my little sister." he said, his voice cracking on the word sister.

i was not expecting that.

"I didn't know you had a younger sister, i thought it was just you and Wanda." I say in shock.

"for the longest time it was. but there was a time when she was with us. dad used to abuse her, because she kept her powers hidden from him. so he beat her because he thought she was useless without powers."

"her name was Winter Maxamoff." he said, a hint of a smile on his face.

"what happened to her?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"she never told anyone about the abuse. the only ones who knew was me, Wanda and dad. but she never really told me or Wanda how bad it was. she wouldn't let us help. asked us to stay out of it. and I'll always regret not helping her." he said, tears streaming again.

"one day she had enough and she ran away. didn't tell me or Wanda, just left in the middle of the night. we didn't think it was that bad but she wouldn't let us help. I guess i should of seen it coming. because for months, she had been growing distant. never spoke and when we asked if she was okay, she'd brush it of with she was fine. but it was clear she wasn't. her voice was hollow and our dad had been starving her, slowly killing her. I failed her and i never forgave myself when she left. Wanda said it wasn't my fault but it was. i could've helped her but i just watched pull away from us. Wanda couldn't even read her mind, she was able to block her out." he said with a smirk.

"her will and spirit was always stronger than ours, even her powers so Wanda could never mess with her mind."

"what was she like?" I asked after a while.

"she was the sweetest girl you'd ever meet. she was trusting and always saw the good in everyone despite what our father put her through. but the girl i saw today, if it was Winter, she was different. something changed in her. she was cold as stone, like she didn't even remember me. then she tripped and fell over the cliff." he said.

then a look of hope came over his face.

"or maybe she didn't." he muttered.

" what do you mean?" I asked.

"her powers. she doesn't just have the gift of a siren, to control men. when we were kids, we would all call her the illusionist. she disappeared when she was 7, me and Wanda were 9. It's been 10 years so it's no wonder I didn't think of this before. she has the ability to create illusions and make them a reality."

"the stronger her emotions, the stronger the Illusion. and she can make any Illusion she creates, a reality. depending on the amount of power she uses. but i can tell you she's the most powerful mortal 17 year old you'll ever meet. but she can't control her powers, she never was able. you saw how she broke your rib. that's just one of her many abilities. you saw how her eyes glowed gold? the brighter the glow, the more powerful she is. but her eyes usually change color when she loses control like in that bar." he said thinking.

"so you think she created an illusion to make us believe she was dead." I ask.

"yes. that would also explain how she matched my speed. because Winter never had super speed. she created an illusion and made it reality. me and Wanda were always able to see past her illusions which means her powers have gotten stronger. her Illusions are VERY strong. the strongest i have ever seen them." he mutters.

"we have to search for her. if there is even a chance of her being alive than we have to find her." I insist.

"that will be impossible. she's disappeared for 10 years and i know her. her instincts would have her traveling everywhere really often. not enough time to track her. and now that she thinks we think she's dead, she'll lay low and leave." he said sadly.

"the girl i met had the black heart of a highly skilled assassin. she was distant, distrustful and cold. she was full of hate and evil. but we need to find her." I said, knowing how i sounded.

"why do you care so much if she's dead or alive?" Pietro asked with a smirk.

"she's just a kid, I don't believe she's evil. I won't give up on her. I think i can help her, get her to use her power for good. I think i can change her." I say.

"okay, so when do you want to tell Steve?" he asked.

"I don't know. but this will be dangerous. remember when she controlled Steve? It's not just anyone who can control him like that. she's stronger than any of us. the only ones with a hope against her are Thor, Hulk and Wanda. I don't think anyone else would be able to resist her control." i said.

"the voice of a siren is a powerful thing. I know all about her voice because i grew up with her. no man can fight her siren spell. the only one with a chance to fight her is Wanda."

"have you ever noticed that Natasha and Wanda are the only girl avengers?"

"and Natasha is no match for Winter. they are both HIGHLY skilled assassins but winter will not hesitate to kill everyone in her way." i said.

"maybe we're better off leaving my sister alone. she probably doesn't even remember me after 10 years. she was really young when she left." Pietro whispered.

I knew he didn't mean for me to hear the first part but i can't ignore that.

"she's your sister! you have to go after her!" I shout,.

wincing, i walk away.

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