Chapter Five

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The bright sunlight invading my room earned a frustrated groan from my throat as I awoke from my deep slumber. Even with having my eyes shut, the harsh beams still threatened me with a painful headache. I was hungover. Of course, I was hungover, of course I got that drunk after not that many drinks. Of course, I did. I was a lightweight, I knew this, but I did it to myself anyway. Cautiously opening my eyes, I winced as they adjusted to the light. I could feel my pupils getting smaller and smaller every millisecond as the light hit my tired eyes.

Running my hand over the silk bed sheets, finally consciously noticing that the room that I was in wasn't mine, but it was, in fact, the bedroom of the man I had spent the night with. It wasn't my typical night with a man. Instead of the typical semi-drunken, messy but good sex that I had with a man when I stayed at their place, we didn't do anything. He faced away from me the entire night, and didn't say anything to me before leaving this morning either. I guess if not a relationship, he didn't want anything. Understandable, I guess.

Not even something as simple as a note or text was left, only a glass of water and two aspirin sat on the small table next to the side of the bed that I had slept on.

Despite a pounding headache, I didn't touch the pain medication left for me. Instead, I collected my jacket from the floor and slipped on my uncomfortable shoes from last night. I had absolutely no idea how to get home from here, thank God for taxies.


"Okay so, you know that guy I was dating and broke up with a few months ago?" Fallon smiled excitedly to me as soon as I opened the apartment door. I cringed at the high pitched voice penetrating my ear drums which seemed to be more sensitive than usual, thank you hangover.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, what about him?" My head pounding as I still waited for the aspirin to kick in.

"He called me this morning and he's coming over for dinner tonight, I didn't want to kick you out of the house, so I was thinking maybe you could bring a date or something and we could do a double dinner date kind of thing. How about that guy you were so conflicted on?" The redhead winked. I let out a heavy breath, taking in all of the information as my head just felt cloudy.

I chuckled at the mention of the guy I was so conflicted on, "We actually agreed that nothing was going to happen between us so I'll figure something else out, sounds good though."

Fallon grinned while letting out a muted squeal, "I'm so excited, I'm going out to find something to wear and you can stay here and find someone to bring." I smirked as the woman grabbed her white handbag and left the apartment. She must have really liked this guy if he was making her act like this.

Unlocking my smartphone, I opened the popular dating app Right or Wrong and began swiping. The purpose of the app was to swipe right for the men that you liked the look of, and you swipe left for the men you don't. If someone that you have swiped right for also swipes right for you, then you can message each other. Although advertised as a dating app, not many people on the app use it for dating purposes.

Almost instantly I matched with a dark haired man, he was alright to look at. It wasn't too long into the conversation before I got straight to the point. The man who was named Anthony agreed to it, he asked what he got out of it, so I told him he got free dinner. That seemed like a good enough bargain for him. He didn't expect sex, or a date, just a free dinner, and a date that we know won't go anywhere. Maybe he hoped that if he did this then he would get an actual date, he would be wrong if that was his mindset.

Collapsing onto my bed, I placed my head onto my pillow. I was too tired to let my own thoughts suffocate me at this point. I had the alarm on my phone set for 3, so that I had enough time to get ready if I could manage to fall asleep.

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