Chapter Six

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I pulled the grey fabric over my bare arms, I could almost feel the small bumps that had risen due to the cold retract back into my skin at the slight sudden warmth. I was no where near ready to see anyone yet today, after staying awake into unspeakable hours of the morning with anxiety, I had been woken up at 12pm by a persistent knock at my door. Fallon had gone to visit her older sister in North Carolina for a week and only left for that trip three days ago, so she had definitely not come back yet. Plus, Fallon would have phoned to let me know first.

Groaning, I threw my short hair into a small bun, the strands closer to my neck flying out of the hair band due to being too short. Another knock sounded at my front door as I made my way out of my bedroom, debating whether to pretend that no one was home or not, but as a creak in the floor boards filled my ears, I knew that there was no getting out of this one. I undid the chain lock before turning the lock on the door and opening it. I was confused, to say the least, at the figure stood in front of me.

Neither of us knew what to do. My arms crossed against my chest, my fingers fiddling with the small balls of wool from my cardigan as Wilmer looked around the room. He knew that Fallon wasn't going to be back for another few days, he knew that because he was picking her up from the airport when she arrived. So, what was he doing here? I didn't know what do to, and even though he had somehow made is way over here for whatever reason, he didn't know what do to either. An awkward vibe grew over us, his eyes meeting with mine for just a split moment before I glanced to the floor, breaking the gaze.

"Fallon isn't back yet?" He asked, a fake surprised sound coating his voice.

I scoffed, "You know that Fallon isn't back yet Wilmer, why are you here?"

The man grew tense at the confrontation, I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to be straight forward, but then again, we both knew that I was an honest, get to the point, kind of girl.

"I was driving; I just ended up here..."

I narrowed my eyes, seeing straight through his lousy lie. "You accidentally walked up eight flights of stairs too? That's a first."

A deep sigh slipped through his lips, "You're right; I know Fallon isn't back yet."

"So that still leaves my question unanswered," I pointed out, "Why are you here?"

"To see you, I'm here to see you."

"Your girlfriend leaves for a week and you can't even wait that long?" I commented, this is why I don't trust men.

Wilmer looked confused, "Why are you so angry at me?"

I rolled my eyes, he didn't understand me at all; but then again, he wasn't meant to. "You just jump from woman to woman."

"You didn't want to be with me, I asked you, I asked if there was any chance of us happening and you said no." He objected, sounding more defensive in his voice now.

"Well you're not meant to just be happy with that and walk away! You proved me right in doing so though, men always leave."

He looked frustrated and somewhat hurt by my words, running his hand over his hair, "What? You're the most confusing woman that I've ever met. Do you want me or not?"

I groaned, "I don't know!" I admitted, I could see that he was happy with himself, he was happy at the fact that he was slowly chipping away at the walls that I had spent ever so long trying to build in the first place.

"Well until you know, I'm going to stay with the person who does know, and who loves me."

"But do you love her?" Wilmer didn't answer, staring at the floor at the question. It wasn't that hard, did he love her or not? He was dating her, she was head over heels for him, and surely you wouldn't just lead someone on like that. "You resent her, don't you?" I questioned, he took a shallow breath at the confrontation. "She cheated on you; hurt you in one of the worst ways possible - by betraying you and your trust, and you resent her for it, don't you?"

"She apologised, she said it was a onetime thing and that she didn't mean is a hard thing to build once it's been broken, Demi, I wish things could just go back to normal, but they can't." His annoyed stance has calmed down, he seemed scared almost, nervous.

I stepped closer to the man, "Then why did you go back to her?"

"I really shouldn't be talking to you about my relationship," He said, avoiding the question. This entire situation was just shady and weird, it made me want to put in a solid effort to get over whatever kind of feelings I had for him.

I rolled my eyes, "Then why are you still here?"

"As I told you, to see you."

Wilmer stepped into the apartment further, closing the door behind him as I grew nervous. This could take any turn in this moment, he could be some serial killer trying to stalk me for all I knew. "Don't kill me please," I whispered, I was definitley being paranoid, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

The man smirked, stepping closer, "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." I shook my head, internally cringing at myself. Why was I like this?

"Did you just ask me not-"

I cut him off, "So, you've seen me now, you can go."

Wilmer placed his hand on my hip, and my skin couldn't help but tingle under his touch. This was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it didn't seem wrong to anyone on the outside looking in, but it was wrong. 

I couldn't help but take notice of his features, the dark chocolate eyes looking into mine, looking for some kind of signal that this was okay. It was morally not okay, but I didn't know if morals were important to me or not in that moment.

I had spent so much of my life sheltered from the prospect of falling in love due to what I grew up around, but these were rules that I set for myself. You can break rules. I didn't know though, I was so conflicted. What was the point in denying that I had feelings for him anymore? Maybe the fact that he was dating my best friend, oh Lord. I couldn't justify this in my mind, I couldn't justify anything, I couldn't even think straight. My chest felt tight as I began to focus on my breathing, it felt like no matter how many breaths that I took, it just wasn't enough. I was suffocating almost. I was overreacting, this was stupid, I was working myself into a panic over some guy. Everything in my mind was screaming at me; yes, no, yes, no.

Wilmer noticed my distress, "Are you okay?" He asked, giving up on trying to read me.

"You need to go," I told him, stepping back as the contact that he had to me was lost. "You shouldn't be here, you are Fallon's boyfriend, I shouldn't be feeling what I'm feeling." I tried to explain.

"What are you feeling?"

"I don't know how to explain anything Wilmer, I don't know. All I know is that I'm confused and conflicted. That is all that I can give you a straight answer on." I told him, pulling myself back together as my mind had calmed down, not screaming at me so much anymore. 

Hey guys, so I was thinking, and I was wondering if you would prefer shorter but more frequent updates, or longer and less frequent ones (kinda like they are now minus this chapter)?

This chapter was a lot shorter but I updated sooner than intended because of it, what do you think? Basically the same stuff will happen but I'll split the chapters in half almost. I'm not too sure how I feel about the updates being shorter, but it's up to you guys so let me know what you think.

(The 'more frequent' updates would still be probably every 10-14 days, I have other stories to update and a life too)

I didn't have anyone proof read this chapter before I published it either bc it's 4am so sorry for any errors.

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