Momo X You

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___'s POV

Being a photographer isn't easy as a piece of cake. Sometimes you could get a lot of profit sometimes you couldn't. I sighed. I need to find an inspiration for my photo to make some money right now. Taking my DSLR camera on my table, I decided to take a walk in the park. Plus,I love spring days because the flowers will bloom in various colours. Camera in my right hand accompanied by ice cream in my left hand..ahh..this is so heavenly. I mean, who wouldn't love ice cream right? Ice cream is bae. Birds chirping welcomed my arrival in the park. There a lot of people take their pets to walk. Sometimes I really want to adopt a kitten or puppy but I'm afraid I will ignore them when I'm tired or busy. I raise my camera on eye level and take a few shots of a bird on the branch which is full of blooming flowers. I smile at the sight where the natures meet. Taking a few steps back, I take a shot of the same panorama. But, this time a blonde girl dancing under the tree. Wow, she's so amazing! I could tell by the way she dances she's a professional dancer or maybe a choreographer.

A few clicks, I didn't notice that the blonde is looking at me weirdly. I took a look on the last picture and her eyes directly on me. I widened my eyes and look ate the same blonde. She look at me too. Shit! She must be thinking that I am a stalker or a yandere. What I need to do!? Think! ___! Think!

Awkwardly, I made the first move by approaching her. I touched her shoulder and said "Hey.."

"Uhmm..yes? Can I help you?" the blonde said while removing her earphones.

"Well..actually, I took a picture of this tree just now. I didn't notice that you are dancing under it..Uhmm, should I delete it?" I said as polite as I could.

"Its up to you.. You can keep it if you want" the blonde blushes and I swear she looks like a tomato right now.

"Thank you..uhm Miss?"

"Hirai. Hirai Momo"

"Thank you Miss Hirai"

"Actually,you can call me Momo only" Momo said.

I nodded and smile. I bid her goodbye hoping that we could meet again after this.


Sending my latest pictures, I'm so relieved that I could make some money this month. Currently I'm just busying at home with movies and snacks. I should hit the gym after this. I need to maintain my fitness because photographer need some stamina for a great adventure.

'Im like TT~ Just like TT'

The screen shows an unknown number. I was hestitate at first but my heart told me to pick it up so I did.


"Hello? Is this ___?" the other line said.

"Yes,may I know who is this?"

"This is JYP Dance Academy. We heard that you work as a photographer so we called you to offer a job which is recording and take a few photo of our main dancer here. Would you take this offer?"

"I will take this offer and when will the recording starts?"

"Tomorrow at 9 am."

"Okay, thanks"

"Thank you as well and have a nice day"

I couldn't believe it that I got an offer from a dance academy. I mean how did they know? This is a bit creepy but who cares anyway? I just hope for the best tomorrow.


Taking a last glance on the mirror, I must look perfect for the job. I'm relieved that the caller had give me the academy's address so I don't need to waste my time in the same route just to find an academy.

I hop on my bike and start the engine. The starting sound echoed through the basement. I smirk signing that I love the sound of my beast growling. This beast were bought by my brother as my 18th birthday. As my mind were drifted through the flashbacks I didn't realised that I have arrived at JYP dance academy.


Momo's POV

The clock showing 8:55 am. About 5 minutes more the photographer will arrive. I decided to prepare the sound system and check the stereo. I put in my Ipod and choose songs. I heard the door swung open loudly and I was shocked. There is a girl panting hard while catching her breath. I look at her and recognize the familiar face immediately.

"You!!" I blurted out.

"Huh?? Me? What's wrong with me? Am I too late?" Wait..I know you! You are the one that I met a few days ago right?" ___ said.

I nodded and smile. "Its nice to see you again ___. I'm lucky you are the photographer because I'm not comfortable with other people."

" already comfortable with me? But we just met a few days ago and it was our first time met.." she tilt her head. SHE'S SO CUTE!!

"Its okay..we can go out sometime after this."

"Really? Are you asking me out?" ___ said while smirking.

"I-I didn't said that I asked you out! I said that we could hang out sometime" I blush and look away. "Anyway,lets start now. So,we could finish early" I said changing the topic. Well, it succeed as ___ obeyed me.

"Can you play the music?" ___ nodded. Exo's Call me baby echo through the room as I started dancing. I let my body go with the flow and ___ do her job by taking a few shots of me dancing while other camera is recording me.

The song came to an end and I heard clapping sounds. I turn to ___ and she seems enjoyed it very much. I'm glad she like it. We decided to take a break before go back home. ___ is checking the photos while I sit beside her. I close my eyes and suddenly I feel something on my shoulder. I look to my right and I see ___ is leaning on me. Being a bold person I am, I sneak my hand through her waist and hug her.

"Momo??" ___ called out.


"Can I have a request from you?" ___ asked.

"Anything for you bae~" I tease her.

"Yahh! I'm serious!" she pouted.

"No, you are not are ___" I said smugly.

"Ughh..I hate you Hirai."

"Aww..I love you too-" I widened my eyes and look at her. She seems shocked too.

"Did you just confessed to me?" ___ asked.

"No,I just tell you that I love you."

"Its just the same.. You pabo.." annoyed expression shows on her face.

"I'm Hirai Momo not Hirai Pabo" I smirk in victory for the second time today.

"'re so annoying!!" ___ stomped her foot going out of the studio. I laughed at her cuteness but chase her anyway.

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