Jungyeon X You

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___'s POV

The weather is so nice today. Not too hot and not too cold either. Perfect timing to start my day with a jog in the park. I tied my shoelaces on the doorstep and went to the park around 8 in the morning. After awhile,I've arrived at the park and start stretching to avoid any injuries or cramp. It's been a long time since my last jog due to my busy life with thesis and assignments.

The park isn't big. I ran around it for about 5 rounds until my sweat started to trickling down. I stopped at the middle of the park which is full of grass. I wiped off the sweat on my neck using the small towel that I brought. The walkman that have been playing for awhile now stop as I pushed the pause button.

I checked my phone and the clock is showing 9:30. While I was replying my friends conversations, a white drone came to my view and it waved at me with its right hand. I smiled and wave at it and wonder who the owner of this drone. I looked around but there's nobody controlling it. I bet he or she who controlled it must upgraded this drone because as far as I know, there's no drone with hands and could be control too far.

"It's nice to meet you,the owner of this drone of course! I hope we could meet sometime but I really need to go now!" I giggled finding myself talking to this drone. It waved back at me as I leave it and go back to my house.


I find myself inside a cafe with not too much people in it. Looking at the decorations on the wall,I assume that this cafe is the newest one in this area. I proceed to the counter and ordered a cup of americano. After awhile,I got my drink and find an empty seat beside the window at the back of the cafe. The jog was fun but I'm so exhausted right now to move a single muscle on my body.

A few people come in and out but there's this short haired girl that attract my attention. She's carrying a white drone! Not to mention the same model as the one who waved at me in the park just now. She went inside but her expression on her face is hilarious when she landed her gaze on me. I chuckled but soon I regret it as I choked on my americano.

"Hey,are you okay!?" The same short haired girl rushed towards me and passed me some tissues. I nodded a thanks and wiped my mouth.

"Yeah..thanks for the tissue. How about you sit with me today..if you don't mind." I offered her.

"C-can I? I mean..are you sure I can sit with you" She smiled shyly but took a sit in front of me anyway.

The drone on her right hand placed on the table. I noticed that the drone isn't big as it fits to her hand when she holds it. We exchanged our names (her name is Jungyeon,I swear she's handsome than my boy friends) and phone numbers. (I asked for it or I threatened her I will break her drone).

"So,this drone is your own version right? I mean I could see the difference between the others that I saw in the shop."

"Yeah, I upgraded it so this drone have hands and could be controlled from afar." Jungyeon explained.

"Hmm,you know that you could greet me face to face rather than use this drone right?" I smirk.

"W-what? What do you mean ___?" Jungyeon stuttered.

"Ohh, I know you are the one that my friends told me. You said that you are from I.T major right? They told me that YOU are too shy to talk to me and you decided to make this drone just to greet me. Am I right?" I explained.

"I..think so? How did you know that I make this drone just to do that? There's no one know about the whole situation." Jungyeon smiled sheepishly.

"My guts told me. I should be proud of myself because they are true." I dramatically flips my hair and Jungyeon laughed.

We decided to go home around evening and Jungyeon insisted that she wanted to walk me home. She made some jokes along our walk. She have a unique sense of humour and it really makes me laugh.

As soon as I landed on the couch in my living room, my phone buzzed.

-You know that you should wash up after a jog right? You will get stinky and smelly. After that,your whole house will get smelly too and I'm not gonna come to your house after this.-

'Obviously from Jungyeon' I thought. I giggled and typed a fast reply to her.

-You stalker! I didn't invite you btw. So confidence of yourself eh? Thinking I will invite you to my house?-

Hearing Jungyeon's advice, I decided to take a bath while waiting for her reply. My body feel refreshed after the bath. I took a peek on my phone and there's a notification.

-Don't worry, I will invite myself then. Who knows maybe I will come to your house everyday like a boyfriend should do when his gf needs him?-

-Did you just suggesting me to find a bf? I alrdy have one but it's not a bf it's a gf..-

​​I saw her typing but later she didn't send it.  After a few minutes,she replied. I stumbled when I reached for my phone.

-Ohh,really? I must be late then. I thought I'm the only one who wanted to date you.-

-It's you dumbass. I thought you are so confidence of yourself? You better take me on date tmrw nite. Peace-

My heart almost burst when I sent the last message. I closed my eyes to calm down but later my heartbeats rise when the notification comes on. I blushed and I shoved a pillow at my face when I read it. Dating your stalker isn't that bad right?

-Ofc princess,I will do anything for you. P/s: even you are a demanding person :P -


Jungyeon X You! I'm sorry if this is too rushed. I love you readers! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Please wish me luck for my upcoming exam in 9 October~ I'm really nervous..

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