Nayeon X You

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I rated this because of mention in trying to commit suicide. If you can't read this,please skip.


___'s POV

A few drips of blood coming out from my wrist. I felt satisfied after seeing my 'art'. It was a beautiful letter of 'N' with a few flowers decorating it. I smiled bitterly. My 'art' is beautiful,so is she. But I wasn't. I'm just a loser that can't make her happy just like he did. I gripped the knife that I'm holding tightly. Just mentioning him, I feel like my anger starts to rising and give my wrist a few cuts. A few moments later, I blacked out.



I just finished my classes in university. I hummed happily as I walked towards my car. I can't wait to meet her. To meet Nayeon. Nayeon and I have been in a relationship for 3 years and I hope we will be together forever. I drove to Nayeon's workplace but before that I stopped by at a flower shop to buy some red roses. Today is our anniversary as a couple. I planned to propose her but I'm still studying and she seems not ready for it.

As soon as I arrived at Nayeon's workplace, I was greeted by the receptionist.

"Nayeon is in. She's doing some works I guess." The same receptionist that I've known for the past 3 years. I nodded at this ostrich-look-alike girl and smiled. She knew me too well.

"Ohh,and is the boss still here?" I asked. I don't want to make things awkward when I wanted to invite Nayeon on a date. 

"Yup,and I believed that he will leave as soon as you come." I replied to Jungyeon a thanks and took a lift. Even it's just a few levels, I don't want to burn any calories today.


The door opened and my legs brought me in front of the CEO's office. Ohh, and if you guys are confused, Nayeon is not the CEO,she's just his personal assistant. The CEO offered Nayeon as his PA because he knew Nayeon as a classmate before. I don't know why but I feel like something bad will happen today.

I hope we will go back to our home in one piece. I still need to be alive for Nayeon though. I knocked the door. But there's no response. I proceed to open the door and I was shocked and angry. Not to mention that I felt disappointed too. There was a sight of Nayeon and her boss making out. They were too absorbed in their moment until I dropped the flower that I bought and I cleared my throat.

"So,this explained me that you wanted my girlfriend to be your PA huh!?" I raised my tone to them as the anger took me. 

"Wait! ___! I-we can explain it..I-it's just-" Nayeon try to find excuse but ended up nothing. The CEO widened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but I cutted him off.

"No,it's okay..No need explanations. I understood everything. You guys happy. Especially you, Nayeon. I know that I can't make you happy than him. I can't give you what you want. I-I'm gonna take my leave."

I smiled bitterly at them and started to run away from that scene. The tears started to form in my eyes but I tried to ignore it. I drove back home that I used to share with Nayeon. I drank a lot of alcohols. In the morning,I go to my classes with dark circles in my eyes and go home with a few bottles of soju. The cycle of my life continued for a few weeks until there was this girl cut her own wrist with knife that I saw in the internet and I challenged myself to do it.

I took a knife in the kitchen and cut my wrist just like the girl on the internet. The scars and blood that were formed on her wrist were beautiful. So, I compete with her with my own decorations of 'N' word. Until, I blacked out.


Nayeon's POV

I rushed towards the nearest hospital as I got a call from them. "___". Her name started to fillimg my mind. I can't believe that I cheated on her and I felt that it was the biggest mistake that I've ever done. I don't care if I was sobbing while running. The receptionist just told me where was ___ were placed at.

She's in the ICU room. I looked at her from the outside of her room. I smiled painfully and cried my heart out. I'm afraid that if I go in I will break down. Her body is connected with wires. There's a doctor checking her condition right now. I knocked the door and went in. The doctor looked at me and I introduced myself as ___'s girlfriend. 'Girlfriend' I'm not good enough to be hers. I was the one who cheated on her.

The doctor have left leaving me with ___. I sat beside her and hold her hand. "___, please don't leave me. I love you,I'm sorry for cheating on you. And I can't believe that I cheated for a bastard like him. I'm really sorry." The tears keep falling from my eyes for the past an hour. I put my head on the bed besides ___'s right hand. The doctor told me that ___ is trying to commit suicide just like the latest case in the social media where the girl trying to kill herself via instagram live. I can't believe it that ___ almost lose her mind and do the same thing.

"There,there. Are you visiting me just to make my bed full of your tears?" A raspy voice surprised me and a hand caressed my head. I shot up and looked at ___. It's really her. She woke up!

I stood up to hug her and she embraced me really tight as this is our last hug.(lowkey singing blackpink's as if it's your last). "Will you stop scaring me like that!? Your actions are all nonsense! After this I'm not gonna let you hold something sharp especially knives!" I scolded her.


___'s POV

"Of course" I just smiled at her weakly. Because after this I'm sure I will leave this cruel world. I really miss her but loving her can only hurt me. What if she leave me again after we get back? I'm not taking any risk again. 

"How about you sleep? I will sleep after you. You need to recharge your energy right? I'm sure I need to rest too." I insist her to sleep. She nodded and obeyed my request. Soon,she drifted to the dreamland leaving me in this cruel reality.

I took a deep breath. Actually,before she came, the doctor told me that I lost a lot amount of blood and there was no 'O' blood type left. The cons of being the universal blood donor. After that,the doctor gave me some injections that take me to sleep with a small dose.

I smile sadly at Nayeon. I'm sorry Nabongs. I really love you and you know that. After that,I close my eyes and release my very last breath to this world wishing that I will meet Nayeon in another world.

Happy B-day Nayeon!! (Lol,in my place it's tomorrow actually)

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