Sana X You

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Sana's POV

Great. Just great. Today I just woke up late and currently rushing to my classes in 2 minutes. I'm gonna die if I'm late because after this we have chemistry class. And that means Miss Park will be arrived later.

I'm too young to die anyway. I walk as fast as lightning towards my class.'Shit,I'm done' I looked at my silver watch which is my birthday gift last year.

Twisting the door knob,I was greeted by my classmates with a look and 'scary-and-furious-look' by Miss Park."Shit!" I cursed slowly hoping that Miss Park can't hear it.

"Well,well. You are late Miss Minatozaki. And you knew the rules right? Come late,detention is waiting." I groaned inwardly and make my way towards my table. I sit down not minding the others' stares and open my chemistry book.


"Hey,what's up with the frown?" I heard Mina asked.

"Well,what would you do if you got a detention? Smile?" I replied with my high level sarcasm. Mina rolled her eyes and continue eating her lunch. Currently,we are having lunch..wait,I mean Mina is having lunch. I'm not in the mood for lunch. Damn,Miss Park alwayd know how to ruin my day.

The bell rings signaling lunch is over. Mina gets up first and leave me as I told her to. Once I get up,unfortunately..a there was a girl bring a tray with some drinks and spilled on my shirt. "Gosh,can this day get any better?" I breathe in and release it slowly. I stomped my foot towards the toilet and change it. Luckily, i brought some spare clothes.


A few hours later, I sigh slowly as the classes have finished. I think I forgot something,but what is it? Shrugging,I walked towards the main exit but stop in the middle of the hallway as I heard someone or more likely Miss Park shouting my name.

"Miss Minatozaki!! Where do you wanna go huh!? The detention remember!?"

My face turned red from embarassment. How could I forget that I got a detention!? As much as i want to sleep in my bedroom. I need to go to the detention.

In the detention room, there were a few students. Most of them are troublemakers I see. I saw Jungyeon,Dahyun,Chaeyoung,Amber and ___.

Wait..___?! She's one of the best students? Why the hell she ended up here? Maybe I could strike a conversation with her but it seem I'm late as the seat beside her was already occupied by someone. I sigh and try to focus what the hell Miss Park said in front.


'I asked myself what am I doing here~ ooh here~' Alyssia Cara's song occupied my mind as I stared at the rain that makes me like a wet cotton right now. Sometimes, I asked myself either this school is poor or the principal is dumb because there were no bus stop in front of our school. Plus,I don't see any shelter for me to run of. My shirt is already hugging my body and it is so heavy!

I didn't notice that someone is standing beside me until she covered us with her umbrella. I looked up and saw ___ smiling at me. I give her questioning look and she said "I don't wanna make you look sexy in that shirt cutie." I blushed and looked down. She chuckled.

"Thanks." I mumbled slowly and she just hummed. She's really a quiet and mysterious person. "By the way..why are you staring at me in the detention?" I heard she asked me.

"I-I just wondering why you got a detention.." Damn it mouth! Why you stutter at the time like this!? "Well,long story short..I gave my book to my bestfriend and she didn't come today and Miss Park being herself sent me to detention.

"Miss Park is always like that" I replied her and rolled my eyes. She giggled and shrugged. How can she just shrugged ot off!? I mean..if I could send a murderer to kill Miss Park I already did it a long time ago.

Our conversation died as a BMW parked in front of us and picked ___ up. I forgot that I was holding her umbrella when we were talking and now I forgot to return it. Maybe I could return it tomorrow.


"Detention!!" What the fish!? This is the third time I'm late in this week and I need to go for a detention again!? Like seriously!? I groaned and slumped my body on my seat hoping the classes will be finished soon.

As the classes have finished, I drag my not-so-heavy body to the detention room. I sit down on my usual table(well,if you always go for a detention it is logic) and wait for the teacher. A few minutes later,I heard some screeching sound beside me signaling there's someone will sit there. Still looking out of the window, I asked the 'someone' to sit on other vacant chair not minding who ir is.

"Wow,I just lend you my umbrella a few days ago and here are you telling me to go away."

Recognising that voice, I widened my eyes and look at ___.

"Sorry, I-I didn't mean it..actually, I thought you are somebody else or some troublemakers" I manage to say something eventhough I stuttered.

___ sit down beside me and shook her head. Realising what have she said earlier, I quiclly take out her umbrella and give it back to her. She hummed and start to take out her notebooks. Wait, why is she here again? Did she just do some problems? It's impossible.

As I opened my mouth to ask her,Miss Park already enter our class. I groaned for the nth time today. A few minutes later while Miss Park busy with some of her paperworks, I slid down a note to ___ asking why she ended up here.

___ took a look at the note and start writing something probably the reason I asked. She give me back the note and I read it. Ahh..i see, she forgot to do her homework again. I smiled at her and keep the note in my pocket.


___'s POV

I can't tell Sana that I purposely not doing my homework just to go detention to see her. I mean, how can the best student not doing their homework? (not to brag but this is a fact) I'm glad that I could help her a few days ago when she need an umbrella.

Right now,here I am in the detention class waiting for Sana as I heard her need to go to the detention. Detention is the worst but Sana makes it the best thing ever. I tapped my foot on the floor while playing wth my pen.

I heard the door were opened and I was right. There she is. Sana. The cutie yet sexy girl I've ever seen. She looked at me with her wide eyes and sit down beside me. I grinned and mouthed at her 'usual reason' and she eyeing me questioningly.

After the detention have finished, I invited Sana to walk back home with me since our houses isn't far away.

"___,why do you often get detention for not doing your homework? I thought you have a great memory since you remember all the math formula?" Sana asked.

"I just wanted to see you Sana." I replied immediately not realising what I just said.


"N-no what I mean is..ugh..nothing"

"So,you purposely not doing homework just to see me ___?" Damn it,I feel like I want to dig a hole and die there rather than face Sana right now.

"Well, no..maybe,yes..ughh! I don't know!" I said panickly and looked down in embarassment. I bet she wil leave me after this. I heard some footsteps probably Sana want to leave me but all of my thinking gone in a second as Sana put my chin up and stared at me.

"So,you wanna see me ___?"

"Uhmm..yes" I answered shortly.

"You know that you could ask me right? I mean we can go out for a date like a REAL DATE. Plus, I don't wanna date in a detention class. It sucks!"


Sana nodded. "Who the hell wants a date in detention class with Miss Park as a thirdwheel? Hell no I'm gonna do it."

I grinned and nodded happily. I interwined our hands and it feels so right. I guess Sana also feel the same as she smiled brightly and kissed my cheek out of the blue leaving me a tomato faced.

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