Nayeon X You

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"Mom! I got A+ for my english test and A for my history.."

You stated as you bursted into your house, your mom's sitting on the couch that she restricted you from it as she used to say that the couch is her main property.


Your mom hummed in response while she's scrolling on her phone, not minding your achievements.

"Aww, come on mom! I studied hard for this and I only got that? I shouldn't have studied in the first–"

"What about the other tests? How much you got for the others?"

"The teachers haven't finished marking–"

Your words being interrupted by your own mom that made you shock.

"Your art test, B+. Followed by math, grade F? And science, E-? Yeah, sure. Your teachers haven't give you the test papers."

Being in a blank state, you're wondering how your mom knows about all the other tests whereas you never tell her about it.

"Sweetie, I know your marks from your homeroom teacher if you are wondering. Didn't you know that she will email us your marks every single test? I'm disappointed that you failed almost all of science and math tests."

"But I got A's for the other tests!? And yet you still look at the failed ones? I can't believe you mom!"

You raise up your voice, furious about the facts that your mom never sees your achievements but only your failures. Unable to control yourself, you go upstairs to lock yourself in your own room. On the way to the room, you could hear your mom saying that she will find a tutor for your failed subjects.


And that's how Im Nayeon ended up in your room tutoring and pointed some mistakes you made in your math formulas.

Although, her tutoring is fine and made you comfortable in just a few days after your first interaction, you can't help but felt guilty as you always didn't listen what she said.

The words that your mom said in the other day ringing in your ears, making you anxious.

All the years you've lived, your mom never saw your achievements, in addition never fails to judge every mistakes that you made throughout your life.

"___-ah, are you listening?"

"H-huh? What did you say?"

Nayeon sighed, the guilty is eating you out when you know that you didn't listen everything that Nayeon said.

"Is something bothering you? You've been staring at the book but never listen to what I explained. You can talk to me if you want, I'm all ears."

You were not sure if you wanted to tell Nayeon about your current state but her soothing voice emcourages you to explain everything.

And so you did, from A to Z.  When you tell her all the things that was on your mind for a long time, you felt relieved; because there's someone to talk to.Sure, you have your own friends but they never know about your situation, thinking that it would be a waste of time explaining to them and they would think it as a joke.

Nayeon speaks off her opinions about the situation and she's surprised that the one who hired her loved to judge other's mistakes. For the first time, instead of tutoring as usual, Nayeon let you to cool off for that day, and just thinking it as an introduction session.


Today, you just got your math paper that you took the test last week. To you, this test was better than the last one, yet you are sure that your mom will be unsatisfied with the marks.

The D- on your math paper is really obvious as the teacher wrote it with a red pen. Well, it's not like you never show your math paper before to your mom right? Wait, of course you never show it, your mom's the one who shows the mark to you.


"I'm home!"

Weird..Why Nayeon is in the living room? Usually she goes to upstairs first..

"Welcome back, my daughter. Is there anything that you want to show us today?"

Your mom knowingly smirks as she saw the paper on your hand. Reluctantly, you passed her the math paper and you were right when you said that your mom will be unsatisfied; her face obviously showed the disappointment.

"This mark isn't any better than the last one, what are you doing when Nayeon tutoring you? Are you even listening? You are nothing but a disgrace to our family–"

"Madam, I'm sure your daughter did her best for this test. In fact, people's getting better when they made mistakes and learn something from it. Lastly, as a mother, you should support and lead her; not pressuring her!"

Nayeon cut off your mom's voice with hers. The venom in her voice was noticeable. All of a sudden, Nayeon dragged you out of your 'home', bringing you to the nearby park.

Nayeon intertwined your hand with hers, strolling along the park; to clear your mind from the previous event. The silence was break off when your phone rings, indicating that there's a new message.

Mom: We will talk more when you two come home.

Before you could type a reply, Nayeon seizes the phone on your hands and keep it inside her pocket.

"Stop wasting your time on her. We are having our date now, so don't ignore your future girlfriend here."

Your lips unconsciously curled up into a smile. Nayeon never fails to make you happy and feel appreciated, maybe she was right about the fact that she will be your future girlfriend. A wonderful one to be exact.


Requested! I have two more requests to be done and I will open requests for you guys, although I can't write much, I will try my best to come back and write slowly.. Thank you so much!

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