Nayeon X You

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___'s POV

You've got a message

My phone beeped. I looked at my phone and take it with my left hand since I am eating using my right hand. Ugh...come on! Not her again! Why the hell this rabbit wants to disturb me everyday! Doesn't she has her own life?

Unknown number: Morning babe! Hv a nice day! And see u soon in sch!

Tch. I don't know where she get my phone number. I bet she asked one of my bestfriends with her oh-so-famous-aegyo. I sighed and put my phone in pocket before going out to go to school. Since I don't have a driving license, I usually go to school by riding bicycle,take a bus or walking. Its not even far from my house tho.

15 minutes later, I have arrived in front of the main gate and wait for my friends. Class start at 8 which means I have 10 minutes more. I played with my phone for awhile suddenly someone patted my shoulder. I looked up to see Chaeyoung,Tzuyu and Dahyun. Finally! We talked for a while amd decided to go to class.

Tzuyu,Chaeyoung and Dahyun have arrived at their class while my class a few metres I need to walk alone.


Shit! I know whose voice it is.

I walked faster to avoid being with her. I felt a grip on my wrist. I gulped. Someone please save me! Dahyun! Chaeyoung! Tzuyu! Where are you?

Nayeon's POV

___ gulped. Damn,I can't believe it that this cute girl in front of me can be so hot and sexy even a gulp. If she's not an underage I will probably rape her on the spot.

"Hey cutie,wanna go for a date later after school?" I said while winking at her.

"I'm not a cutie and please let me go. I need to go to class before I'm late" she wriggled her wrist and I just let her go.

I sighed. Its been almost a year since I flirt with her. I thought with that way she could go out with me but boy I'm wrong.

I decided to walk to my class and sit down. I let my head falls on the table. Suddenly, jungyeon my dearest friend asked me

"Did ___ rejected you again?"

"As always. She didn't replied to me even. I wonder how to make this girl fall for me."

"Ask her out" Jungyeon said.

"I already! She ignored me like I'm a wall or a pole. I think I'm gonna give up my love for her"

"No, what I mean is ask her out properly. know a man ask a girl out or something like that"

"But I'm a girl Jungie"

Jungyeon facepalmed and I just chuckled for my own savageness. Maybe Jungyeon is right. But how am I gonna do this. Suddenly, I have an idea. I need my app- I mean school principal for this plan.

_____'s POV

Our class has ended. I packed up my bag and waited for Tzuyu,Dahyun and Chaeyoung. We usually walked home together since our house is a few blocks from each other.

I saw them and waved at them. They walked faster and catched up with me. We walked together and Dahyun start a conversation.

"Guys,I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" Tzuyu,Chaeyoung and I asked and we laughed.

"Err..I- I got myself a girlfriend" Dahyun announced and we dropped our jaw.

"What!? Who's the unlucky girl!?" Tzuyu said and Dahyun smacked her head

"It was Momo unnie. Actually,she have been courting me since last year and I said yes to her just now so..yeah" she said while scratching her neck in embarassment.

"Woah! She must be lucky that you accepted her after a year of courting. Finally, I can die in peace after my otp has sailed" Chaeng said and we laughed.

"Ohh.. And btw, I thought that Nayeon unnie is courting you ___?"

I rolled my eyes and replied

"She's not courting me,she's just flirting with me."

"You are so dense ___! If she's just flirting with you..she would have give up on her first day of trying. I bet she have a feeling towards you" Tzuyu said

"Whatever,if she loves me she needs to ask me out properly not just with her sweet talking and her cute aegyo"

"Did I hear it wrong!? You just told us that she's cute!? Omg ___! Did you love her!?"

"I'm not! Okay? Maybe you are the one who hear it wrong" I said denying the fact that I told them.

The others just raised their eyebrows while smirking. "You know what!? I'm done with this!" I said while walking faster hoping that they didn't notice I'm blushing and they just laughed.


Today, I walk to school alone since Dahyun said that her girlfriend offered to pick her up. While Chaeyoung and Tzuyu I don't know because they didn't tell me why. I hate being alone honestly. I wonder how it feels if I have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Suddenly, my mind drifted to Nayeon. Is she really love me? Or is she just flirting with me?

Tch. I shouldn't have think about her right now. I need to focus in school. Talk about school.. I have arrived here but where's everyone?

I tried to look anyone in the classroom. Sadly,there's nobody there. What about gym? Maybe the others were watching the cheerleaders practice..

Without wasting anytime, I ran towards the gym and opened the door. What the hell! Today isn't a holiday right? If today is a holiday I bet Dahyun,Tzuyu and Chaeyoung ask me to hang out. I scrarched my head thinking where else everybody could be.

My legs bring me to science lab. Even the science fair is next week, I just could go there since there's no place I could find. Damn, ITS FREAKING EMPTY!! What the hell! This is really frustrating!

I groan and sit down on a bench in the school garden. I sigh. Today is monday right? I mean normally in monday we go to school.. Wait, monday...MONDAY WE HAVE A FREAKING ASSEMBLY!

I run towards the main hall and opened the door with a loud bang. I prayed for the door's safety. This hall is empty and unusually quiet too. Why is it too dark and nobody switch the lamp on? I bet if Kai sunbaenim stand there I couldn't see him. (sorry Kai,I'm jk)

I walk slowly to the center of the hall. There's a girl figure standing and I know who is it. The lighting switched on and Nayeon is holding a microphone. I gasped and she starts singing Taeyeon's Starlight.

I definitely staring at her while she's singing until she puts down her mic and hold both of my hands. Her gaze are on my eyes and I feel like melting.

"____-ah, since two years ago I've started to like you but I don't have courage to ask you out. So, I started to stalk and try to be friends with your bestfriends. I told my feelings towards you to your friends and they support me by giving your numbers,your address and everything about you. I'm really grateful to be friends with them and here I am with the help and courage of them to ask you.. Will you go out with me?" she confessed

I'm so speechless and I don't know what to say. She did all of this just to ask me out? I thought after all these years she's just flirting with me.

"Y-yes, I would like to go out with you" I said and blushed.

Nayeon smiled showing her rabbit tooth and kiss my cheek. I blush and look down. Suddenly, I hear a round of applause and a loud cheers. I am shock and looked around as there are my friends and other students cheering on us. They have a proud smiles on their faces and rush towards us. Dahyun pat my head and Momo unnie congratulates us.

We promise to on fourtel date with Dahyun,Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.


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