Chaeyoung X You

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___'s POV

"Where is she!!?"

I heard some footsteps a few metres behind me. I need to hurry or else they will come for me and kill me. Without thinking twice, I ran into the woods with my wedding dress. Yes, you heard it right. Wedding dress. I was forced to marry an old man to pay my parents debt. My parents were dead a few months ago and luck aren't on my side because they leave me with their debts.

I hid behind a large tree and hold my breath. I don't want them to hear my raging breath due to running a few kilometres from my wedding venue.

"Fuck! We lost her!! We will be doomed after this!" I heard one of the men that searching for me cursed. I closed my eyes as I release my breath. I started to wandering inside the woods and find something a shelter since it is already dark. About in an hour, I found an old wooden house. The house isn't big,maybe it could fit a family with 5 members.

I knocked on the door. But there wasn't any response. So, I twisted the doorknob and it makes some creaking noise. There's no one here I thought. My legs brought me in and I was shocked that the house were clean and neat. Maybe I could stay here a few days and stay low before I go back to my house. Maybe this is a motel that were unused because I found some clothes and canned foods. I guess I'm lucky enough.


After changing my dress to clothes that I mentioned of, which is a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, I decided to walk around in the forest. I hope I remember the way to get back. I just knew that there was a crystal clear river located a stone's throw away from the motel.  I need to catch some fishes tomorrow as there will be no food for the third day of my stay. I noted to myself.


Rays of light invaded my eyes. I blinked once,twice to adjust my vision. I slipped off the bed and stretch. Time to catch some fishes! I smiled as I suddenly remembered the times when I was in the camp in highschool years. A fishing rod were held tightly in my right hand as I make my way to the river.

I hummed happily at the riverside. I wanted to sing loudly,but people said if you make noises..the fishes won't come. Due to my fishing experiences, I caught a few. My father taught me a lot when I was younger. My thoughts were interupted when I heard splash sounds coming from my left side. I tilted my head to the direction of the sound,unfortunately I saw a small tiger drinking.

The tiger has a white fur with black stripes. The tail isn't long yet not so short. I could see the tiger's bones maybe the tiger didn't eat for a long time. The tiger looked at me wait more like at my direction. I notice the white-furred tiger were eyeing my fishes. I brought along the pail that were full of fishes. I walked towards the tiger and put one of the fishes a few metres between us. Then, I leave to my motel.


A day after, I went to the same river with the same purpose. I'm aware that I'm not alone again. The same tiger were there but the difference is,it was looking at me. Its body is gaining some weight. The tiger were crawling towards me but I don't know why I didn't feel scared plus, I feel like I love having this tiger as a company. The tiger put down a fish in front of me. I tilted my head confusedly.

"Ahh.. you wanted to repay me hmm? Its okay you can take it." I talked to the tiger as it can understand me. I reached out my hand to pet its head but the tiger backed off and ran away fastly. I was surprised but smiled anyway.


I found myself at the same river. I wanted to befriend with the tiger. I don't know why but I feel like I felt some attractions to the white tiger. I waited and waited. The sky is getting darker and I feel disappointed. I stand up and made my mind to go home. Tomorrow would be my last day here and I need to check what happens in my house.


I found myself in front of the motel. I just noticed that tonight is a full moon. The moon is so beautiful shining in this dark night. Reaching the doorknob, I saw something in white colour behind the motel. I walked towards it and suddenly I felt the nervousness creeping inside my body. It was the white tiger. I stopped in front of it and it suddenly transforms to human,a girl to be specific. The girl has short hair. Her height is lower than me probably around my shoulder. Did I mention that she's so gorgeous plus her mole close to her lips. I was frozen to the ground and couldn't move.

The tig- no,the girl smiled at me while cupping my jaw. I stared at her brown orbs and I almost lost in it.

"Thank you." Her voice is so sweet giving the exact opposite of what she is before.

"F-for?" My voice betrayed me as I stuttered.

"For saving my life. You gave me your food to me a few days ago. And the only way I could repay you is to reveal my true self front of you. I've been thinking for a day about how can I repay you and I decided to do this"

"Well,can I make a request from you?" I replied while releasing my breath.

"Anything. I could be your slave if you wanted to"

"No,that's too much. All I want is you. Please stay with me. Stay with me at my home. Be my everything,from friends to lovers. I have nobody in this world and the only thing that I want after my runaway from my wedding is you" I said full-heartedly.

"Chaeyoung." I blinked confusedly as she giggled.

"My name is Chaeyoung. And I could stay with you forever" Chaeyoung tip toed and sealed our promises with a kiss.
Is this even a fantasy themed?? Nvm, Thank you for the votes and comments! I love you gays❤❤

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