Chapter 2 | Forbidden Love

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Marco Diaz smiled to himself in his sleep. He loved the warm feeling of his bed, and didn't want to move from his spot. He only had one thing on his mind at the moment: Princess Star Butterfly, his newly-made girlfriend. After telling her that he loved her last night, it's like his thoughts about her had did a complete 180. She was more than the hyperactive princess that came into his life on a whim. She was this amazing girl who brought out the best in him, and he didn't want it any other way.

"Good morning, Marco," a familiar voice rang. The sleeping boy opened his heavy eyelids to see the hyperactive blonde standing above him. She had a wide, toothy smile on her face, in contrast to how she was feeling the night before. It made him happy to see her happy.

"Hey, Star," he said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he sat up in bed, "How'd you sleep? I'm so tired." He yawned and ruffed his messy cognac hair.

"I slept amazing," she said cheerily, "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Aw, really?" He smiled softly at the happy princess, who sat next to him. He felt the air leave his lungs as he pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. "Star! Ow..."

"Yes really! I mean you're my boyfriend now, and you're awesome, so it's only natural that I couldn't get you off my mind," Star looked up at him with huge eyes, which Marco couldn't help but smile. He pecked the princess on the lips which Star happily returned. He was a good kisser and she wanted more, but she thought it was better if they took things slow.

"I love you Marco." She felt so relieved that she could say that freely, and didn't have to hide how she really felt about her former friend.

"I love you too, Estrella."

Star looked around the room, then raised her eyebrow. "Ummm... who's Estrella?"

Marco giggled at the confused girl then smiled. "It's you, Star. Estrella is Spanish for Star."


"Mhm," Marco nodded as he pressed his finger to her button nose. Star smiled and bit her lip. She then stood up and grabbed the boy's arms before pulling him up. "Let's go and eat something, I'm starving!"

"In a minute Star, let me get my ballet slippers- WOAH!" He was cut short as he felt her pull him down the spiral staircase to the dining room. Star happily slid on the railing, her rhino boots acting as a sled.

Marco face-planted at the bottom of the stairs. Star looked over and helped her new boyfriend up. "Sorry Marco." She walked him to the dining room where they both sat down at the table. Star's mother and father were already there, eating their Mewni corn.

"Good morning, Star dear, and good morning to you, Marco." Queen Moon Butterfly said, smiling at the two teens.

River had two cobs of corn in his mouth, and he swallowed them whole. He chuckled at the teens, walking over to ruffle his daughter's hair. "How's my shining Star doing, and her boyfriend Marco?"

Marco blushed and his eyes widened. "I'm not her..."

Star piped up and she tapped a spoon to her glass. "Mom, Dad, I have an announcement to make." She jumped on the table.

"Star! Not on the table." Moon gave her a stern look.

"Ahem. Marco and I are officially dating."

Moon spat out her drink. "What?!"

Marco flinched as he felt a hand ruffle his hair. "Aha! That's my boy, wooing the princess I see?"

"Uhh, yeah I guess," Marco said, smirking a little.

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