Chapter 9 | Jealousy

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"Ow ow! Careful, Star!"

The Butterflies and Marco have just came back from the disaster that was the Silver Bell Ball. Star had been tending to Marco's battle scars after his encounter with her ex, Tom the demon. He had sustained a bruised arm and a few scratches to his face and back, but luckily he was fine.

"Sorry, Marco. Sorry," Star had winced at Marco's hisses as she tried to dab a large gash on his bare back. She gently placed the soaked cotton ball on the wound, triggering a loud yell from the injured Marco.

"Owwwww! Star!"

The princess was getting slightly irritated. She stopped rubbing the wound and got out a small, pink bandage with a rainbow and hearts on it. "Marco, I'm only trying to help you," she said as she smoothed the bandage over the gash.

"Well, you could do it a little less painfully, couldn't you," Marco spat.

Star was taken back by the tone of his voice, and quickly snapped back. "Look, I know you are upset about Tom, but do you really have to take it out on me?!"

Marco turned his head around to look at Star, who was now tending to another wound. "Oh, I'm sorry, Miss 'I like dancing with my psycho demon ex...'"

Star scoffed. Did he really think that she had feelings again for that crazy demon? She loved him, and it hurt for him to think that. Then again, she felt awful for dancing with Tom, especially in front of Marco. She didn't mean to hurt him, and she knew how jealousy felt after having to bear seeing him with Jackie. It hurt immensely.

Marco got off of the bathroom sink, hissing from his bruised arm and grabbed his pajama shirt. He threw it over his head, trying not to make eye contact with the startled Star Butterfly.

"Marco, I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't trying to make you jealous. Everyone was bickering and arguing... I just wanted everyone to stop! I didn't mean to make it worse."

The boy seemingly ignored the princess' testimony. He rolled his eyes and shot a glare back at her. "Well ya could have achieved that without dancing with the guy, couldn't ya?"

Star looked off to the side and let out a sigh, her bangs moving slightly from the gust of air. He was right, she shouldn't have danced with him, and deserved to get it rubbed in her face. Then again, did Marco have to fight time and cause a huge commotion in front of Mewni's leaders?

Star walked over to him and shot him a glare as well. "Well, did you really have to fight Tom, huh? You embarrassed us in front of everyone! He's not a bad guy... he just... has anger issues."

"I had to, he was all over you! Why would I let that crazy demon gush all over my girlfriend like that, huh?" Marco's anger was subsiding, she could tell. His lips dropped into a frown and he looked over to the side, trying not to make eye contact with her.

"Marco, I can handle it myself. I'm not a baby."

And there it was, Marco thought to himself. Star was so... amazing. She was strong-willed, diligent, and brave. He was none of those things, and he probably never would be. Why did Star choose to have a crush on a loser like him when she was all of these amazing things? She didn't need protecting. She could do everything herself. All he was here to do was tag along on her crazy adventures.

Marco stood up straight, and looked the princess in the eyes. "If you can do everything yourself, then what am I here for?"

Star's eyes widened, and she frowned. "I didn't mean it like that..."

"I was just trying to protect you and lead you out of trouble. Can you let me protect you for once? I know I don't have a wand or anything like you, but I can do stuff too, you know." Marco's face was expressionless. He was tired of being the safe kid, the one who Star always saved. He wanted a chance to save Star for once, to be her hero, when she was the one who was doing all of the saving.

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