Chapter 18 | Eclipsed

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The gentle sound of clicking was heard as the new ruler walked to the window balcony, and opened the curtains to look upon her newly acquired kingdom.

The throng of people whispered among themselves in disbelief, surprised to see Moon was not there in her usual position to greet the kingdom like she used to do daily. Instead there was this dark, ominous woman, who many of the Mewmans did not recognize.

River Butterfly, the former king was among this band of people, his hands filled with max number of things that could fit into his hands. He had lost everything. His wife, daughter, and now his kingdom. Everything was gone in the blink of the eye. Depression was beginning to take over his once joyous mind, now being replaced by thoughts of hopelessness. Where was he supposed to go? Everything that he once held close was now gone. His train of thought was interrupted by a loud, booming voice.

"Hello, people of Mewni, I am Eclipsa. Queen of Darkness. It is a pleasure to be ruling over you once again."

"Where is Queen Moon!" A voice called out.


"Where is she?"

"Where is Star? Where is the rest of the Royal family?"

"I am afraid I have some terrible news," the queen continued, causing a few gasps from the crowd. Your former queen has perished. Star Butterfly is nowhere to be found. I am here to take her place, and I am now your new queen. Hail to me. Bow down to me. If you refuse, I am afraid you will be killed. My army of monsters will quickly silence you. I am your new ruler, and this once Mewman kingdom will be home to the monsters now."

The crowd was silenced, shocked by Eclispa's monologue. They were fearful, and decided to stay quiet in fear of getting killed.

River looked on from the crowd, his mind now in overdrive. His wife was dead, the first one to accept him for who he was, but he knew he couldn't give up. He had to find his daughter before it was too late.

After her brief declaration, the queen walked back inside, her monster guards following behind her as the The window closed and the curtains fell in front of it. Her inauguration was official now. Eclipsa was the new queen of Mewni.


  The scenery was quiet. The only thing that was heard was the gentle sound of feet hitting the dirt ground.

Star trailed behind the boy carefully, mimicking his every step. They were on their way to stop the evil queen, but the damage was already commencing. She was probably at the castle at that very moment, changing the government to fit her own desires. Making it a monster-centric world, and dropping her reign upon the kingdom.

The princess' steps got slower as she looking into her purse at the blue urn. Marco wasn't talking much, the neither of them didn't have the energy to hold a conversation. After all, so much had happened that day, and it all lingered in her mind like a festering wound. Star wished she could turn back time to stop it all, but she knew that wouldn't be a good idea, and rather difficult.

The princess' lips where done up in a small as she looked into her bag. She could practically see her mother smiling back up at her, and it made her emotion's fluster. She gently closed the bag shut to let her deceased mother rest for a bit.

Their trance was interrupted by rustling of a nearby bush, which caused Marco to stop, putting his arm in front of the grieving Star to stop her from walking forward.

"What? What is it," Star had whisper-yelled.

"I heard something. Shh, let me listen."

Both of them stopped their brief conversation to listen once more, and just as planned, the rustling occurred again. And again. And again.

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