Chapter 11 | The Great Escape

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The sunlight seeped through the windows, casting a radiant glow on everything in her room it touched. It was morning, confirmed by the distant crow of a Mewman rooster.

Marco, groggy from yesterday's conflict, reluctantly opened his eyes, sitting up in Star's bed. He pulled his arms over his head, stretching to alleviate the crook in his back. He gently rubbed his eye, yawning. "Good morning Star."

The princess sat on the edge of her bed, her back turned from him. She hadn't slept at all last night. She was up letting her thoughts consume her.

She turned to look at Marco. She had visible bags under her eyes, and the whites of her baby blue eyes were slightly red from crying. Her former best friend gasped softly, frowning. "Oh, you don't look so good."

"You think?... I haven't slept at all..."

The boy crawled over and sat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Star, I know this situation is tough on you, but it will all come together, don't worry. Your mom will be fine. What's an evil queen to an immortal monster?"

Star raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, confused by Marco's positivity. He had been acting like this a lot lately and it confused her, considering how cautious he was in most situations, being the safe kid and all. "Who put glitter in your cereal?"


"Why are you so positive about this? You're never like this."

Marco thought for a minute, then shrugged. She had a point. "I'm just trying to cheer you up, Star. You don't look well, I know you're upset about last night. I mean, back on earth you were always the one to cheer me up. Every situation... you always looked on the bright side. Can't I try and be optimistic for once?"

The blonde flashed him a half smile, standing up and crossing her arms. "Aw, Marco. That's sweet of you."

"I'm sorry I'm not much help," Marco sighed, looking up at her.

"...But I'm still going after Eclipsa."

His eyes widened at the words that came out of her mouth. "Wait what?! Star, no!"

"Yes! Who knows what she can do? She has dark magic for crying out loud. She's slowly killing my mom with her stupid 'deal' or whatever. She married a monster!"

Marco watched Star talk, standing up quickly. He had his eyes on the wand on her nightstand. "Ew, what? do you know all of that?"

"Grandma Room. I went inside my wand," she said, making a gesture with her hands, "I only remember it from when I was a baby, my parents try to keep me out of there."

"You can do that?"

"Oh Marco, I've done a lot of things you don't know about."

He gave the princess a confused look.

"Give me my wand."

"What? No!" Marco quickly moved, blocking her view from the wand, "did you hear anything I told you last night?!"

"Yes, and I don't care. I've already almost died like a bajillion times already, what's one more," Star said nonchalantly, attempting to crane her neck over Marco.

"What's one more... WHAT'S ONE MORE?! Star! You're getting older, you're going to be the next queen soon, you're my girlfriend...! You have to start taking this more seriously!" He gently grabbed her shoulders.

"I am taking this seriously, Marco," she scoffed, "by dealing with this before it gets worse. Next queen? Well, maybe I don't wanna be queen! You ever thought about that? Psssh, I don't blame my granny for running off with her monster love. Maybe she's chill, but I have to get her magic off of my mom."

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