Chapter 7 | Mess Up Twins

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"Star, please come out. You've been in there for hours. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to make... I love you... so much."

Marco felt awful. He made the girl he love lose faith in him, and it was all his fault. Why did Jackie have to come over at that exact time? Why did he have to feel guilty about what he did to her? Oh right... he left her without any word. He didn't check on her or tell her where he was going. He felt awful, considering that she was his crush for the majority of his life.

But none of that mattered now at least. He was with Star, and she was his number one priority. He had to try to make things right between them now.

Marco had the box of cereal that he brought back for her and he shook it. "I have cereal for you. It's your favorite. Please, it was an honest mistake..."

The boy sighed and blew his bangs out of his eyes. It was no use. She wasn't responding to any of his attempts to get her to come out.

He got a bowl from the kitchen and poured a generous amount of the cereal into it, then sat it beside the door. He hung his head low as he walked away from the bedroom door, beating himself up internally. He was genuinely upset.


Star was curled up on her bed, her legs tucked towards her chest and her arms tightly wrapped around them. She had been listening to Marco's pleas for her to come out, but she didn't comply to them. Her judgements about his intentions had consumed her.

He didn't love her. Not at all. Well... not in that way. He only saw her as a friend, and that's all they will ever be.

Of course he cared about her. They have been through a lot together within the time they have known each other. And she cared about him, more than she could ever describe to him.

Star pulled out the picture of the two of them that she had grabbed off of the refrigerator when she had first fled from Earth. It was the two of them, laughing and smiling as they held a beach ball, and the caption read "BEACH DAY". Her lips were done up in a smile, then she frowned. How could he lie to her like that? He told her that he loved her and agreed to date her... only for him to want Jackie back?

The princess looked down, setting the picture beside her and looked away from it. Maybe she was being a little unreasonable. She didn't let him finish explaining, and her predetermined conclusions clouded her reasoning skills.

Star sighed and flopped on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She really messed up, and her... boyfriend? Best friend? She didn't know right now... was begging for her to come out. She felt awful but at the same time she felt hurt.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, interrupting her train of thought. Annoyed, she got it out and flipped it open.

Tom: Hey, Starship, how are you? :)

"Ugh... really?" Star rolled her eyes and her thumbs twiddled quickly as she she replied.

Star: what do you want and don't call me that

Tom: What? I can't say hi?

Star: it's not a good time rn

Tom: Why not?

Star: just boy things that's all...

Tom: oh... well I hope things get better ^•u•^
I was just letting you know that the Silver Bell Ball was coming up

Star suddenly perked up. She had totally forgotten about that.

Star: omg I forgot!!! Just so you know I'm not dancing with you

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