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Panic speared Caprice as her hand was yanked out of Bossa's by Karrigan's pull on her..

The crowd bustling towards the Hall of Halls stopped and gathered, drawn by what was happening by the portrait.

Caprice tugged at her wrist but Karrigan's thin, cool fingers held fast. She took several frightened breaths as Bossa started to disappear in the crowd. She dug her feet in and kept pulling away.

"We're going home, Cappy. Now. My father must be informed of all this at once. You are returning to the village."

"No!" Caprice snapped her wrist out of Karrigan's grasp so hard the girl's fingernails scored her skin.

Karrigan turned and stared at her in surprise. Even though she was shaking, Caprice solidly met her gaze.

"I am staying."

She gave Caprice a look. "Now, Cappy, don't be foolish—"

"That is not my name!" Caprice shouted.

Those pale blue-gray eyes narrowed and cold fury poured off the white witch.

"You dare raise your voice to me. Who do you think you are?" She glared at the school robes Caprice wore. "Just because they accept you as a student at Oracle doesn't change anything. You know what will happen if you learn magic. You'll be sorry. See if you ever show your face in the village again. Maybe at your execution—"

Thierry came out of the crowd and stood between them. He stared down at Karrigan like she was a big, ugly bug. Thierry, who had probably never looked Karrigan in the eye a day in his life.

"Get away from my sister."

Karrigan stumbled back, eyes wide with fright, a hand to the column of her throat, just as Professor Skyla came quickly down the hall.

"That is enough, Miss Whitehare. I need to I have a word with you and Alastair in my office."

With a final cold, thunderous look, Karrigan turned on her heel. Murmuring and whispering, everybody started moving again.

Thierry took a deep breath that wavered just a little in spite of his hard, wary gaze which followed Skyla and Karrigan down the corridor. "I don't think they can do anything to us here. And if they do," he shrugged, "we'll be dead and they'll at least get detention."

Some of the tension drained out of her.

"Oh stop saying that!"

"How can I?" Thierry grinned, tossing back his head and laughing. "It's absurd."

"You're in a good mood this morning." Caprice smiled despite what had just happened. Her brother also wore school robes and carried his books in a strap. She was surprised to see that among his garments he also wore a flattering shade of maroon breeches.

"I was right about the beds."

"I know."

Beside her, Bossa touched her wrist. "Are you all right, Caprice? I heard what she said. Next time she tries that mess, I'll—"

Caprice smiled. Though her heart was still pounding, she said, "We have lessons, remember."

She, Thierry, and Bossa went to the Hall of Halls.

"Don't want to be late," Bossa said, "Earithean won't have it."

"Past experience?" Thierry smirked, which earned him a petulant scowl.

On the marble map with its gleaming rubies, she showed them the path to the main schoolrooms where Magikorigyn was held and they wove their way through other student. They passed through one of the many doors.

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