Bold as Brass

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More students headed out of an open door off the hall and outside into the night. On the field, an alluring bonfire raged in the dark. Caprice saw the shadowed forms of other students who had already gathered around.

She followed Bossa, Po, and a few boys carrying what had to be half the food off the refreshments tables outside towards the distant bonfire. That's when trouble came from just inside the Grand Hall doors.

"Cappy, Alastair's got a horrible punch stain. He needs you inside right now," Karrigan called out.

Laughing with Po, Caprice glanced back as she walked across the hall long enough to say, "Not right now, Whitehare."

She'd only gotten a few more steps when a shrill lowered the lively atmosphere in the hall.

"Excuse me!"

Not wanting to shout across the hall and anxious to get outside with Bossa and the others, Caprice walked back a few steps, "It's just a punch stain, Karrigan," she said. "He can handle it himself. You use that one spell that—"

Karrigan drew her wand and raised it in one hard stroke. Caprice was already backing away but it was too late. A strangled scream barely escaped her mouth before blood burst forth, spraying the white floor. She collapsed to her knees, hands clasped over her bloody mouth and slick throat.

"You humiliated my father," Karrigan glared down at her icily. "Now you have the gall to traipse around, bold as brass, dressed above your station. As if you were the equal of your betters and deny me, your master, a simple request!"

Through a solid wall of agony, Caprice heard Po's voice and felt arms around her shoulders. "She doesn't have a station here, Karrigan. Or a master! Caprice? Caprice, can you speak? What on earth did she do to you?!"

     Professor Earithean danced an intense-looking dance with Mederi Redbeard. Professor Skyla paired with Professor Elric, the alchemy teacher. Professor Oso and the Courtesy Lady who worked the dining hall looked friendly. Professors Mosshue, Deturra, and Tisna (a darling dressed in a dazzling sheath of glittering scales) managed a three-partner dance together. Professors Gleddy and Starstaff weren't conducting a formal dance at all. Instead this pair floated a few inches off the floor, flitting around one another in concentric circles, touching palms and fingertips delicately.

Nezzle was standing with Thierry when they both saw Karrigan striding after Caprice. Nezzle only thought the worst at the sound of horrified gasps and a scream from the Main Hall and an alerting twinge of her nerves. She raced out of the Grand Hall doors, Thierry on her heels. She quickly assessed the situation in front of her.

Bossa was halfway to the open door leading outside. She was standing there, facing the scene, frozen and wide-eyed. Trapped in some awful memory where she ordinarily would've lunged into action and taken Whitehare's head off. Caprice was rocking and crying silently on the floor, grasping her mouth and throat in the arms of a shaking and teary Po Clove. Blood everywhere. Seeping between Caprice's fingers and down her neck. On her mauve dress, staining the neckline and front. Flecking the marble floor. The sound of her boots echoed Nezzle stood firmly in front of the two on the floor. Between them and Whitehare.

"What did you do?" she gritted out. As she slowly slid the wand on her left hip from its holster, several students backed away with fearful gazes.

Karrigan smiled smugly, greatly gratified by her handiwork. "Nothing. Just disciplining one of my servants for an outright act of disobedience. Not that it's any of your business. Besides, someone like you has no right to so informally speak to me. That is Miss Karrigan to you, mud monkey—"

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