Haven, The Barrier Master

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"You bled. A lot," Bossa said.

Beneath the light of the moon, Caprice frowned at her. "How did you stop the bleeding? And the cuts...inside...they're gone." The punishing curse wasn't meant to kill, but it took weeks to heal. The jinxes and hexes that came part and parcel with it ran their course as they liked. As a slave, you were still expected to do your work in the meantime even while getting snapped at for not answering when spoken to.

Bossa wiped her mouth. The back of her hand came away stained with a glinting wetness.

"My magic touch," Bossa winked. She licked her hand clean then marched towards the bonfire. "Somebody said they wanted to celebrate, so let's go!"

Their entire dormitory had to be there, and then some. In the end, Caprice was glad she decided to stay Professor Mosshue's charms from the first day of lessons were used for introductions. They strung the baubles up around the bonfire like little glowing glass lanterns, each one bearing one of their names. The table with all the food and drink on it was set up near a small tent striped in Oracle's colors.

Beyond the edge of the fire's light, the luminous red eyes of big shadowy creatures wove in and out of view.

"It's all right," said a senior Caprice had seen Nezzle talking to in the Grand Hall. "They like the fire and want to be near it. Even if there is something dangerous out there, we're in a safe area, the invulnera. They made sure of that when they set up. Those poles that we strung the name charms on mark the edge so no one wanders off. And I'm sure some teachers are watching somewhere, too."

"And that?" Caprice jabbed her thumb over her shoulder.

Dozens of pale faces stood in a line in light of the door leading back into the castle.

"They always come around to gawk eventually. After they're done preening their feathers in the ballroom. Just ignore them."

Easier said than done. Soon enough some of them crossed the field and wandered closer. That included Karrigan.

As a small band set up in the light of the fire, Ripley sauntered over to them.

"Looking fine there, Bossa."

Scoffing, Karrigan interrupted, "Yes, if you like fat swine and cattle." A few muffled snickers followed the slight. Caprice was pleased to see dirt stains still shadowed her pale dress. Looks like Nez and Bossa made their marks.

Bossa didn't have to say anything. One second Ripley was standing there looking as unamused as Bossa. The next, he fell down on his palms and the balls of his feet. With a sharp bark, he shifted in a rush of writhing muscle, fluid, and sounds that Caprice did not want to fathom. It was difficult to see what color he was but there was no mistaking those amber eyes and sudden canine shape. Startled, Caprice gasped and jerked back. Horror had held Karrigan frozen in place for a moment but as the moment passed, she screeched bloody murder and ran off, taking the crowd from the castle with her, tripping over her stained gown and heeled slippers the entire way with Ripley barking at her from where he stood.

"Aw. I didn't know you liked me that much," Bossa nudged Ripley's furred head with her hip after watching them run back towards the castle..

"I like you well enough," Ripley growled, shaking his torn breeches free from his hind legs.

"Good looking out."

"For sure."

"I don't think she'll be back this time though," Caprice breathed, hand on her heart. Suddenly, she was very nervous about being outside and smelling like blood.

"Relax, Caprice, it's still Ripley," Thierry said.

"I know that. It's not like I spend a lot of time in the company of skin-changers." And some of them were downright dangerous, that was still a fact. "Aren't you a little startled? What have you been doing over there in the Den of Fangs that skin-changing is an everyday occurrence now? And Ripley, you can talk and understand us?"

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