Chapter 1: Midorima x OC

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Soft and Silent : Chapter 1: Midorima x OC

" BAKA~!" she screamed in his face, snatching his lucky charm of the day, a green toy frog, and thrashing it into his face with full force. Of course, it didn't really do much impact but at least she had a opening to release all of her stress.

" What are you doing?" he gripped her arm tightly and muttered in her ear, his eyebrows furrowed with great anger brewing. She could feel the tight grip on her arm and a sharp pain shooting up her arm but she tolerated it, knowing that if she could take this one blow, she could escape him forever. Besides, her pain threshold was quite high.

" I'm breaking up with you." she laughed maniacally before staring straight at him in the eyes coldly, a look that he had never seen before. " I don't want to live like this anymore." she spat, attempting to shake off his grip on her arm but the attempt was futile as he tightened his grip even further.

" Fine, then go." He turned his head away, but his hand trembled as his grip loosened. He couldn't bear the thought that he was going to lose her forever, but he wasn't going to turn around and apologise to her.

Her lips quivered and she stared at him before turning around with determination. She would have to go away and leave him to be. She couldn't really stand this type of life anymore, not with him being all cold and unresponsive and then hot and passionate to her at times. What she really wanted was a normal regular Japanese boyfriend that would make her feel loved and supported, which he, obviously, did not.

With every step that she took away from him, she could feel the repercussions of it all. The heartbreak and all that he took away from her. The strings that had stitched back her heart came loose after all.

Whoever who said "No strings attached" must have had been a total idiot.

The tears fell, of course. Not that she ever did hold it back in the first place. She could still feel his warm caress on her face, wiping away her tears.


She could feel each single drop of her salty tears sting her eye but she didn't care to wipe them away. She was too preoccupied with him. As she watched him get defeated time and again, she could feel his frustration at how he wasn't able to shoot at all with his defender blocking and anticipating his every move. He basically had no space to move and because of that, his brows were furrowed, his perspiration dripping down his face unlike before.

She could see it and she knew how much it hurt his pride. Before this, he could walk back to his position easily while the rest watched his shot arch and shoot itself perfectly into the hoop as if it had a life of its own. However, now, he could do nothing. His pride. His dignity. His perfectness.

When the buzzer rang, she still couldn't move, her lips only trembling to speak as her watery eyes glanced up at him apologetically. The plastic water bottle in her hands that she had planned to pass to him had been crushed by her sheer strength resulting in an entire puddle of water at her feet, her shoes already drenched.

He towered over her, his mere height of 195cm compared to her petite 159cm body, and he frowned with displeasure, his hand moving forward towards her at a great velocity but she did not flinch. Slowly, his hand came down on her face gently, his palm enveloping her cheek as his fingers swiped away her crystal droplets of salty tears off her face.

"It's not like I've died. Stop being so sad." He muttered as if annoyed, but she could tell that he was trying to make her happy in his own unique style.

"It's not like I wanted to. Some sand got into my eye!" She retorted, trying to look clearly unhappy with him but then almost mentally slapped herself. Really? Sand? That was the smartest thing she could've come up with? Of all things, sand.

" Really..." He smiled slightly towards her and kissed her on her forehead gently. She didn't notice until that moment that he had already bent down on his knees to be level with her.

" Baka." She pouted and hugged him, not minding all of his perspiration drenching onto her clear white blouse. She could feel his warmth radiating and she liked it. That sense of security that it gave her...

" Put the jacket on. I... I don't want you catching a cold." He murmured, carefully helping her to wear his own Shutoku jacket and she obliged, childishly holding up her hands like a little primary one child waiting for their parents to help them put on their clothes.

" You lost." The words suddenly slipped through her lips and she could feel his body tense, stiffening like a piece of wood, before he relaxed and looked at her dead in the eye.

" But I've got you." He whispered, and she smiled, embracing him once again and lying comfortably on his chest, a wide grin etched into her face.

That moment of pure bliss was unforgettable...


She shook her head, snapping herself back to reality. This time, she herself had to wipe her own tears now that they had already broken up. Turning around just for one more glance, she saw his shadow in the crowd of the Tokyo Main Station, his green hair visible in the midst of the people.

Glancing towards the floor, she spotted the green toy frog that she had thrown towards his face and hesitated. How could he have just left his lucky item on the floor?

However, she shrugged off the constant nagging of the thought in her mind and stepped forward to pick it up. She recognised it. It wasn't just a lucky charm. It was the lucky charm that she had wished for him at the temple of luck and love just a few months ago.

Her hands shook, but she did not cry again.

Only a feeling of desperation and desolation engulfed her, wrapping her in its misery and entrapping her in its loneliness.

A sign that he gave up on their relationship... Why was there this feeling of sadness in her heart that threatened to tear her apart? And yet, she was the one who had requested to break up.

Laughing to herself, she shoved the lucky charm into her green bag and walked away from the train station.

At least this time, it was for the better of the both of them.



NOTICE: yesh, there will be a second part. So this isn't complete yet.

So please wait patiently. Thank You.

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